Tofu Factory in Probolinggo Turns Waste into Biogas to Create an Environmentally Friendly City

JAKARTA - Utilizing waste into profitable productive goods is a solution in an effort to create a clean and environmentally friendly area.

The management of tofu waste into biogas in Probolinggo City, East Java is also a commitment of the local city government towards an environmentally friendly city and a climate-resilient city.

"This is our commitment towards an Environmentally Friendly City and a Climate Resistant City which is implemented in various program activities, one of which is the management of tofu waste into biogas," said Head of the Probolinggo City Environmental Service Rachmadeta Antariksa in the local city, Saturday, October 1.

He said the Probolinggo City Government has built various collaborations and networks to be able to protect and manage the environment optimally, one of which is the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology which is now the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).

"This collaboration is manifested in the construction of the first tofu biogas installation at the Proma tofu factory in Kedungasem Village, Wonoasih District, Probolinggo City," he said.

Tofu is one of the staple foods that are included in 4 healthy 5 perfect favored by the people of Indonesia and the number of tofu industries in Probolinggo City there are seven small and medium industries (IKM) that directly dispose of their wastewater into water bodies and have the potential to pollute the environment.

"Liquid waste from the tofu processing industry contains high organic matter so that it can reduce the quality of river water if it is not treated first," he said.

In addition, it will also generate methane gas and increase GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions which if released into the air will result in climate change, so that the tofu waste becomes a priority to be used as an alternative energy source for biogas.

"Until this year, the processing of tofu waste into biogas in Probolinggo City has been carried out at three tofu factories in Probolinggo City," he said.

The three tofu factories are the "Proma" tofu factory in Kedungasem sub-district, Wonoasih sub-district with 25 households benefiting from biogas, the "Sumber Baru" tofu factory in the Jrebeng Kidul sub-district in Wonoasih sub-district with 47 households benefiting, and the "Asri" tofu factory. "In Jrebeng Kidul Village, Wonoasih Sub-district with 46 households receiving beneficiaries.

"Hopefully the presence of tofu biogas can be one of the drivers and triggers for the people of Probolinggo City to manage environmentally friendly waste as part of climate change mitigation activities," he said.