Jadi "James Band" Di PP, Yapto Instruksikan Anggota Pemuda Pancasila Dukung Anies Baswedan Di Pilpres

JAKARTA - Support for Anies Baswedan to run in the 2024 presidential election continues to flow, Most recently, the General Chairperson of Pemuda Pancasila (PP) Yapto Soerjosoemarno instructed all his members to support the Governor of DKI Jakarta if he became a presidential candidate in the 2024 General Election. "So the obligation of PP cadres (in) for the 2024 presidential election, if his name (Anies) is elected, we must choose him," said Yapto at the inauguration of the Pancasila Youth National Leadership Council (MPN) Office (PP), on Jalan Teuku Cik Ditiro, Menteng, Jakarta, Saturday, October 1. The instruction was conveyed by Yapto, after Anies Baswedan was officially appointed as a member of the PP mass organization. The Japto Instruction was directly supported by a number of PP members who were present at the inauguration of his new headquarters with applause and shouts from Anies President.

Yapto emphasized that all its members were ready to support their staff who advanced as legislative candidates (candidates) to presidential candidates (candidates). Anies became a member of the PP mass organization officially marked by the submission of member cards (KTA). Japto said that KTA Anies' number was identical to the film of an actor from England. "Incidentally, his number is 0.00007, James Bond," said Yapto, quoted by Antara. DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan attended the inauguration of the Pancasila Youth National Leadership Council (MPN) Office (PP) on Jalan Teuku Cik Ditiro, Menteng, Central Jakarta. Anies' arrival was welcomed by the Secretary General (Secretary General) of PP Arif Rahman.