Data From The Head Of BSSN Bocor, Spokesperson: It's General Data From Open Sources

JAKARTA - The National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) has finally opened its voice regarding the spread of personal data or doxing of the Head of BSSN, Hinsa Siburian by hacker Bjorka.

The BSSN team is actually aware of the publication of Hinsa's personal data through the forum and Jororka's telegram channel, Bjorkanism.

"Pada tanggal 29 September 2022, Tim BSSN telah mengetahui adanya publikasi datapribadi Kepala BSSN oleh akun Bjorka melalui tautan: dan channel telegram Bjorkanism," ungkap juru bicara BSSN, Ariandi Putra dalam keterangan yang diterima VOI, Jumat, 30 September.

However, Ariandi explained that the BSSN team considers the Hinsa data to be common data for the public to know and not as a big secret.

"The published data is basically public data as public officials and can be obtained through open sources," said Ariandi.

Meanwhile, regarding the vaccination status, Ariandi stated that the data obtained by Bjorka was old data, aka it had not been updated. "Regarding vaccination, the data is not updated because the Head of BSSN has carried out a booster vaccine," said Ariandi.

As previously reported, in the upload of the forum, Bjorka was seen uploading a photo of Hinsa wearing an army uniform and not missing along with three stars on her shoulders.

The hacker also included a screenshot of one of the Indonesian media with the title "BSSN's Budget to Rise to Rp624 M, 'Berkah' Bjorka?".

"Let's ask what the parents will use the money for," wrote Bjorka in his upload.

Hinsa's personal data published by Bjorka includes telephone numbers, names, Population Identification Numbers (NIK), Family Card Numbers (KK), addresses, date of birth, education, religion, vaccine status, and what makes it different from the others is that Bjorka managed to get a Hisna vehicle number.