Regarding Men's Reproduction Health, Here Are 4 Changes In Sperm Colors That Must Be Aware Of

YOGYAKARTA Changes in color on sperm, basically related to the health of the male reproduction. Although not all are dangerous, it is necessary to identify when it marks health or vice versa.

Miami-based urologist Daniel Martinez, MD., said that every man needs to take a moment to check the consistency of sperm. The goal is to recognize the quality and glimpse of overall health. Launching Men's Health, Friday, September 30, normal sperm is cloudy, whiteness and consistency like egg whites are rather thick. Jamin Brahmbhatt urologist, MD., said if there is a change there is nothing to worry about.

But if it doesn't go away after ejaculation twice or three times, the two experts above recommend checking with the nearest urologist. In addition to marking certain health signs, some foods and drugs have an impact on color, consistency, and that your sperm volume. Here's an explanation of the most common cause of sperm changes and what to do to overcome them.

Pain relievers for urinary tract infections, namely vitamin B and pyridum, can make sperm turn yellow or orange. In addition, antibiotics used to treat tuberculosis such as reufampicin produce the same effect.

Vulnerabilities like senna can also turn your sperm red. While antibiotics such as metronizadole, can make brownish colors like tea. Doctor Bhimbhatt's advice, if the effects of the types of drugs mentioned above have a bad impact, consult a doctor and ask them to change the recipe.

Certain fruits and vegetables, such as bits, can cause pink or red sperm. If you don't eat the fruit before ejaculation, you need to be wary of it. Because red sperm can be caused by henospermia, or blood in sperm. This bleeding may not require serious treatment, but it is mandatory to consult a urologist in order to get proper treatment and diagnosis.

The use of condoms is important in sexual intercourse. Especially if you and your partner are not planning a pregnancy. The goal is to maintain health, both reproductive health and overall.

When sperm is red or red brown, it is likely to become sexually transmitted infection. Such as camidia,torous, or gonorrheal. Infections can irritate the lining of the urinary, prostate, or testicles tract. This can cause bleeding and create red stripes or red brown color.

Papar Brahmbhatt, there is also the possibility that bacteria or viruses can make sperm greenish and unpleasant. Usually, green sperm shows prostate infection, but this is rare.

sperm changes can also be caused by jaundice. Yellow disease is caused by excessive bilirubin levels. Bilirubin is a natural chemical that accumulates in the body when the liver cannot process red blood cells efficiently. It can turn the white skin of the eyes yellow. It can also do the same to sperm, says doctor Brahmbhatt.

Yellow disease can be caused by hepatitis, bile, pancreatitis, or even bile biological cancer. Usually accompanied by fever, chills, or stomach pain.

If this is the case, one must contact a doctor and check bilirubin levels. In addition, it is also necessary to identify and be aware of any changes in sperm based on the explanation above.