Padmamitra Award 2022 Ready To Be Held, Encourage Synergy Business Actors And Governments

JAKARTA - The CSR Indonesia Forum is again carrying out the national level Padmamitra Award activities in 2022. The award, which is held every two years, is based on the Minister of Social Affairs Regulation Number 9 of 2020 concerning TJSLBU (Social and Environmental Responsibility).

The 2022 Padmamitra Award series began with the Press Conference Kick Off at the Ashley Hotel, Wahid Hasyim, Central Jakarta on Tuesday, September 27, 2022. This activity was attended by the General Chairperson of the Indonesian CSR National Executive Board as well as the chairman of the 2022 Padmamitra Award jury, Dr., Ing., Ir., Sahir Bayasut, ST., MM-CSR, Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the 2022 Padmamitra Award, Rio Zakarias Widyandaru, ST, MM (Sustainability), representatives of the Achmad Adhitya jury, PHD (Director of Pijar Foundation as well as vice chancellor of UNU Yogyakarta), Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Social Service, Premi Lasari and a candidate for the Padmamitra Award participants, namely Astra International and United Tractors.

General Chairperson of the Indonesian CSR National Executive Board as well as the chairman of the 2022 Padmamitra Award jury, Dr., Ing., Ir., Meir Bayasut, ST., MM-CSR revealed that the theme raised at the Padmamitra Award 2022 was the Creating Social Empowerment Towards Sustainability.

We chose this theme because we see a global trend leading to sustainability through Social Empowerment. In addition, it is also adjusted to the theme of the G20 Presidential which was held in Indonesia, namely 'Recover Together, Recover Stronger', said Mahir.

Furthermore, he explained, the 2022 Padmamitra Award has an important element in its implementation, namely as an appreciation for the duality of business actors in the implementation of social welfare. In addition, the implementation of the 2022 Padmamitra Award is an effort to foster motivation and exemplary among business entities/business worlds. The Padmamitra Award is also a synergy between the government, business entities and the community in realizing various models for the implementation of social responsibility activities in order to realize a Prosperous Indonesia.

The 2022 Padmamitra Award consists of 15 categories including seven main categories and eight thematic categories. The thematic category that was just implemented at the 2022 Padmamitra Award is an additional category that includes the field of Quality Education Improvement, Health, Inclusive Art and Culture, Religious Preservation, Entrepreneurship, Infrastructure, Environmental Preservation and Bidoiveness, and Digital Economy.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee Padmamitra Award 2022, Rio Zakarias Widyandaru, ST, MM (Sustainability) explained that the 2022 Padmamitra Award registration will be open on 27 September 21 October 2022, while the selection of administrative files is scheduled for 22 25 October 2022. The interview and field visit stages will be held on 26 October 3 November 2022. In closing, the announcement of the winner and awarding of the Padmamitra Award 2022 will be the culmination of the event which will be held in November 2022.

"We are targeting a minimum number of participants of 100 companies consisting of private companies and state companies (BUMN/BUMD) which are legal-formal (have a business license, are registered) and have carried out ISO 26000-based CSR activities in at least 2 (two) years ago," said Rio.