KPK Asks West Sumatra Provincial Government To Improve Business World Genset Licensing Management
PADANG - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has asked the Provincial Government of West Sumatra (West Sumatra) to improve the management of genset licensing for businesses in the local area.
Director of Korsup Region I KPK Edi Suryanto in the Public Discussion on Issuing a Genset Permit for the Province of West Sumatra, in Padang, Tuesday, September 27, said this improvement was aimed at facilitating licensing and maintaining business continuity.
"The business world in West Sumatra needs to be followed up this year, one of which is the generator operating license," he said as reported by ANTARA.
According to Edi, business actors are also asked to comply with regulations, including processing permits which are their obligations.
The government has an obligation to provide licensing services that are easy, cheap, and certain.
"Business actors can play a role in eradicating corruption through the Regional Advocacy Committee (KAD)," he continued.
Middle Inspector of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Juniko Parlinggoman Parhusip, said that the business licensing mechanism is related to the business license for providing electricity for its own sake.
According to Edi, the generator has a risk factor, so that's why this license is included in a risk-based license.
In addition, the authority for this generator license is divided according to the facilities and capacities owned by the business actors.
The Head of the West Sumatra Provincial PTSP Service, Asrul, said that the West Sumatra Provincial Government provided services with information related to the requirements for applying for a generator permit in the West Sumatra region. One thing to note is that the Business Identification Number (NIB) as identity must be verified first.
"The Business Permit for Self-Electricity Supply (IUPTLS) cannot be administered in parallel, the suitability of the RDTR by the office in charge of city spatial planning depends on the location of the business area," he said.
The Head of Energy and Electricity of the West Sumatra Energy and Mineral Resources Office Helmi Heriyanto said that there was a shortage in meeting the requirements needed in the OSS application, so a consultant was needed to help fulfill these requirements.
In addition, the West Sumatra Provincial Government is creating an application for reporting on the use of generators which is planned to be launched at the end of 2022.
The efforts that have been made by the West Sumatra Provincial Government are to organize outreach activities by submitting letters to business actors and regents/mayors.
According to Helmi, until now the licensing process that has been registered with the West Sumatra Provincial Government for 2016 to 2022, namely a total of 144 IUPTLS operating permits, a total of 35 registered certificates, and 159 report certificates.
Currently, in West Sumatra, only four business actors have their licenses issued according to the data held by the West Sumatra Provincial PMPTSP Office.
"For potential business actors who should have permits related to generators, the ESDM Office does not yet have accurate data on this," he said.
Helmi also provided information that there are sanctions that can ensnare business actors related to this permit as stipulated in Article 57 (1) b and c of PP 25 of 2021, one of which is that if you do IUPTLS but do not have a permit, there is a maximum fine of IDR 750 million.
"Do the licensing process yourself, don't go through middlemen who cause the licensing to be expensive," said Helmi.