Dead Victims Protesting For Death Mahsa Amini Tembus 75 Persons, Iranian Officials Called Arrest Journalists

JAKARTA - More than 75 people have died in anti-regime protests in Iran over the death of young woman Kurdi Mahsa Amini, following her arrest by so-called moral police, a human rights group said.

In addition, activists say Iran is now stepping up the arrests of activists and journalists in a crackdown on riots.

Protesters took to the streets of the capital Tehran and elsewhere on Monday, for a rowful 11th night demonstration, witnesses told AFP, citing The National News September 27.

Crowds in Tehran chanted 'death to the dictator', calling for an end to more than three decades of power by supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, 83 years.

Video footage is said to be in Tabriz City, showing people protesting the sound of tear gas cylinders fired by security forces, in footage published by Iran's Human Rights (IHR) group based in Oslo.

The group said at least 76 people had died in the crackdown in Iran, up from the previous count of 57.

Video footage and death certificates obtained by IHR showed that "ammunitions were immediately fired at protesters", he said.

Meanwhile, the death toll according to official records of authorities remains at 41, including several members of the security forces.

Officials said on Monday they had arrested more than 1,200 people.

The Washington-based Journalist Protection Committee said twenty journalists had been jailed since protests began.

A number of activists and lawyers have also been detained, including leading activists of free speech Hossein Ronaghi, who were arrested on weekends.

The arrests were made amid strict internet restrictions and blocking sites including Instagram and WhatsApp, which activists say aim to prevent details of protests from reaching the outside world.

"By targeting journalists in the midst of a lot of violence after restricting access to WhatsApp and Instagram, Iranian authorities sent a clear message that there should be no reporting of protests," said Reporters Without Borders (RSF).