IJTI: Give A Room For Papua Governor Lukas Enembe Expressing His Health Condition

PAPUA - The Indonesian Television Journalists Association (IJTI) in the Maluku-Papua region requested that mass media reports regarding the alleged corruption case that ensnared Papua Governor Lukas Enembe prioritize the principle of presumption of innocence.

Regional Coordinator (Korwil) IJTI Maluku-Papua, Chanry Suripatty, said IJTI hopes that the mass media will provide opportunities for the suspect in the alleged corruption case of the APBD in Papua to convey his health condition.

"In addition, the mass media also provides space for Governor Lukas Enembe in conveying his current health condition," Chanry said in a press release, Sunday, September 25.

Chanry said the situation in Papua, especially Jayapura City, is currently heating up following the determination of the suspect against Lukas Enembe by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

He also appealed to the mass media to prioritize soothing news and not to cloud the atmosphere.

"The rise of issues that have the potential for ethnicity, race, religion and inter-group (Sara) is expected by the mass media to keep this away from reporting and maintain a conducive situation in Papua, which is a peaceful land," he said, quoted by Antara.

Regarding the commotion between two groups of residents in the Koya area and Youtefa Market, Jayapura City, Chanry is sure that it is not related to the legal process currently being faced by Lukas Enembe. He claimed that the commotion between residents was purely a criminal matter.

"The rise of issues that have the potential for ethnicity, race, religion and inter-group (Sara) is expected by the mass media to keep this away from reporting and maintain a conducive situation in Papua which is a peaceful land," said Chanry.

Previously, the KPK had sent a second summons to Papua Governor Lukas Enembe to be questioned as a suspect at the KPK's Red and White Building, Jakarta, Monday, September 26.

"Yes, the information we obtained is true that a summons as a suspect has been sent by the KPK Investigative Team. The examination is scheduled for Monday, September 26, 2022, at the KPK's Red and White Building," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri in Jakarta, Thursday, September 22.

The second summons of Lukas Enembe was made because the Governor of Papua had missed the KPK's summons to be examined in his capacity as a witness on Monday, September 12.

"This is the second summons, where previously the person concerned was summoned as a witness to attend on September 12, 2022, but confirmed that he could not attend," said Ali.

The KPK hopes that Lukas Enembe will cooperate by attending the summons of the investigative team on the second call.

Previously, Aloysius Renwarin as the lawyer for Lukas Enembe confirmed that his client had received a second summons from the KPK.

However, he could not confirm further whether his client would attend the call or not. According to him, Lukas Enembe is still sick.

"Yes, we'll see if he can come or still get sick; but he's still sick, maybe he won't be present, which is clear that he is still sick," he concluded.