Need To Be Restricted, Here Are 5 Foods That Cause Oily Skin

YOGYAKARTA What is eaten is related to conditions in the skin. If you eat unhealthy foods, your skin is prone to problems. Like if you eat a lot of oily foods, your skin also tends to produce more oil. Even though the treatment using skincare has been carried out optimally, maintaining skin beauty from within, both need to be taken.
Oily skin, not just because of excessive sweat production. But sebum contributes to making your skin more slippery. Excessive sebum production that can be a problem. The problem is, among others, clogging pores and causing acne. So what needs to be done in addition to carrying out daily skin care routines? Limiting certain foods also needs to be done. That is, according to registered nutritionists and dietists, Molly Knudsen, MS., RDN., reported by mbg, Friday, September 23, you need to limit this list of foods.
The ratio of consumption of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids on a Western diet is more than the non-West diet. This means that fatty acids associated with the development of acne and inflammation have the potential to be experienced. Knudsen's message, measure balanced consumption between omega-6 and omega-3. Get healthy vegetable oil and avoid excess consumption of oily foods.
Sweet foods not only affect overall health. In the simplest possible scope, foods with a high glycemic index are the trigger factor in the development or severity of the jarwat.
To prevent the bad effects of oily skin, avoid consuming processed carbohydrates, soda, white pasta. In natural mechanisms, high blood glucose causes more insulin to be released. While insulin stimulates production androgen which can then lead to more sebum production.
The body's response to milk is relative, it depends on the condition of each person. A study explores the link between the high glycemics and amonoic acids found in insulin-increasing due to milk consumption. The results of meta-analytics of 80,000 people aged 7 to 30 years. Of the tens of thousands of participants, those who drink a glass of milk or more per day are associated with the potential for acne higher than those who do not drink milk.
Reflecting on the study, it does not mean that everyone needs to avoid milk. It only needs to manage and recognize the body's response after drinking milk.
Foods from red meat, such as sausages andctions contain high fats that trigger inflammation of the skin. According to beautician reported by Byrdie, Patricia Boland, excess inflammation can produce excess oil on the skin.
While processed meat foods, such as patty in burgers, also cause oily skin. If you eat burgers, the Boland marketer, choose those who use pure meat. Because eating substitute meat causes excess sebum production to not only contain higher levels of larvae fat.
Pottoples of savory chips while watching movies over the weekend may be interesting. But not good for the beauty of your skin. Boland explains, consuming excess salt can cause dehydration, water retention, swelling, and eye bags. It also causes an increase in oil levels as the skin tries to fight dehydration due to consuming a lot of salt.
Those are the five foods that can make oily skin. Either measure any consumption or limit the food above so that the skin does not produce a lot of sebum.