After The PDP Law Was Ratified, Cyber Security Experts Proposed The DPRD For This Institutional Form

JAKARTA - Finally, the Personal Data Protection Act (UU PDP) was officially passed by the DPRD. Of course this is a breath of fresh air for cybersecurity in the country.
Cybersecurity expert Pratama Persadha, stated that the rule of law is a point where Indonesia is finally more serious in the face of digitalized global competition and shifts.
"After this, immediately form a strong, independent and powerful Personal Data Protection Authority. Do not let the PDP Commission later not be as strong as we aspire to," said Pratama in a statement received by VOI, Tuesday, September 20.
According to Pratama, it is also necessary to make derivative rules regarding strict sanctions for Electronic System Operators (PSE) in the public and government spheres.
It will also emphasize the position of the PDP Law on PSEs who experience data leaks. Rules related to technology standards, human resources and data management are what the PSEs must fulfill.
The PDP Law does not explicitly mandate the formation of the PDP Commission. Articles 58 and 64 states that disputes over the protection of peribadi data must be resolved through institutions regulated by law. Because later the PDP Commission must be formed in a middle way, through Presidential Regulation, what is agreed as a middle ground between the DPR and the Ministry of Communication and Information," explained Pratama.
Pratama added that the position of the PDP Commission is very crucial. Therefore, it is mandatory that later, both the government and the DPR place the right people and have the competence to lead the PDP Authority or the PDP Commission.
"Regarding the protection of personal data, if necessary, an Integrity Pact for government officials who are responsible for personal data, is ready to resign if there is a leak of personal data. Because so far the leak of personal data in terms of state officials has been very concerning," said Pratama.
For information, the final script for the PDP Bill consists of 371 Lists of Inventory Problems (DIM) and 16 chapters and 76 articles. Adding 4 articles from the government's initial proposal at the end of 2019, which was 72 articles.