Golkar Thinks Of The Acting Governor Of DKI In Lieu Of Anies Baswedan Must Be Ready To Accept Criticism And Suggestions

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DKI Jakarta Golkar DPD Ahmed Zaki Iskandar gave a note to the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta who will later be elected by President Joko Widodo. The figure must be held and accept all criticisms and suggestions during his tenure.Considering that Jakarta is often in the spotlight, both from the legislature and the community, over the various problems that occur. Then, Acting Governor of DKI will also lead Jakarta during the process of moving the capital city to East Kalimantan."We hope that later the Acting Governor will listen to suggestions, even criticisms, to lead Jakarta during the transition period because it is not easy," said Zaki in a discussion entitled "Pj Governor of Jakarta: Harapan Perpetrators", Central Jakarta, Tuesday, September 20.After relinquishing the status of the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta will be projected as a business and economic city center. Therefore, Zaki hopes that the leaders of Jakarta for the next two years will involve business actors in the policies made.This, according to Zaki, needs to be done because Acting Governor Anies Baswedan will serve for a long time. Moreover, the Acting Governor of DKI was not elected by general election. So, he does not have a burden of interest in carrying out his duties."I also hope that later the elected Acting Governor will collaborate with us to lead Jakarta. He must have a vision and mission and without a campaign because he can serve for almost 3 years. This means that he has no burden," he said.As is known, the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta will start serving on October 17, 2022 until the Governor of DKI who is elected from the 2024 Pilkada is sworn in. Currently, the submission of the candidate for the Acting Governor is still in process.In the process of screening the candidate for Acting Governor of DKI, on Tuesday, September 13, the DKI DPRD has determined three names. This was obtained from the results of a joint leadership meeting (rapimgab) of nine factions of the DKI DPRD.The three names of the candidates for the Acting Governor of DKI decided by the DPRD are the Head of the Presidential Secretariat Heru Budi Hartono, the Regional Secretary of DKI Jakarta Province, Marullah Matali, and the Director General of Polpum, Ministry of Home Affairs, Bahtiar.These three names have been handed over to the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Head of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Benni Irwan, said that until now his party has not decided on three names that will be juxtaposed with the three proposed Pj candidates for the Governor of DKI from the DKI DPRD, before finally being handed over to President Joko Widodo to be elected."Until now at the Ministry of Home Affairs, I have not received any information on who is certain. Has anyone entered it. The Ministry of Home Affairs will submit proposals based on input and suggestions from the ministry and institutions, then the Ministry of Home Affairs itself," said Benni on Friday, September 16.