Officials Registered On The Indonesia Stock Exchange, Bonds And Sukuk Global Mediacom From The Konglomerat-Owned MNC Group, Hary Tanoe, Results Rp1 Trillion

JAKARTA - The holding company of the MNC group owned by conglomerate Hary Tanoesoedibjo officially earned fresh funds of IDR 1 trillion. The funds come from the issuance of sustainable bonds III phase II in 2022 and sustainable Sukuk ijarah III phase II in 2022.

Citing information from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Monday, September 19, each of the emission values are IDR 600 billion and IDR 400 billion.

In detail, the third phase II sustainable bonds in 2022 Global Mediacom are worth IDR 600 billion consisting of three series. Among them, series A is IDR 424.14 billion with an interest rate of 8.25 percent.

Then series B Rp139.16 billion flowering 10 percent. And series C Rp36.69 billion flowering 11 percent.

Meanwhile, the third phase II sustainable Sukuk in 2022 Global Mediacom is also divided into three series. These include series A of IDR 301.15 billion with installments in return for IDR 24.84 billion per year.

Then series B Rp96.6 billion with installments in return for Rp9.66 billion. And series C Rp2.25 billion with installments in return of Rp247.5 million per year.

The result of the rating from PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo) for bonds is idA+ (Single A Plus) and for Sukuk is idA+ (sy) (Single A Plus Syariah). The Wali Amanat in this emission is PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.

The total bonds and sukuk emissions that have been recorded on the IDX throughout 2022 are 99 emissions out of 72 issuers. The total value is IDR 122.03 trillion.