Regarding Land Disasters Moving Near Prabowo Subianto And Rocky Gerung's Residence, This Is The Hope Of Effendi Gazali

JAKARTA The land moving in Bojong Koneng Village, Babakan Madang, Bogor Regency, West Java has attracted the attention of many parties. The Bogor Regency Government has also taken steps and established an emergency response status.

Communications expert Effendi Gazali assessed that this issue should also be a concern for national figures who live not far from the scene. Among others, Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and political observer and University of Indonesia lecturer Rocky Gerung. These two figures are expected to play a role so that this mobile land disaster can get attention and there is a solution.

"I don't know exactly who lives in Bojong Koneng, Hambalang, Sentul, Bogor Regency. What is clear is that there is Defense Minister Prabowo there. Then there is Rocky Gerung who defended about 160 families there so that their land was managed to be defended from developers who want to claim it as their right," said Effendi Gazali, Communications Researcher, now the Coordinator of Green Clinic (Green World & Climate Care), an NGO based in Brussels to VOI who contacted him on Saturday, September 17.

According to him, Effendi owns a farm area. I myself have a farm there since 2009. It's not a villa, which is there a house for livestock guards and homemakers. I haven't stayed there in the same night since 2009," he continued.

Previously, in a different case, continued Effendi, Rocky Gerung had spoken about the attempt to take people's land by one of the developers there. Meanwhile, Prabowo, we have not heard his voice at all about the efforts to take people's land in the vicinity.

About this moving land, I hope Rocky Gerung talks from a natural point of view. Because he is a true nature lover. So he can attract logic about deforestation or clearing land that is not replanted," he suggested.

As previously reported, Acting Regent of Bogor Iwan Setiawan has declared an emergency response status for land shifts in Bojong Koneng Village, Babakan Madang, Bogor Regency, West Java. "Today I have signed the emergency response status. We have taken this step to maximize post-disaster management," he said in Cibinong, quoted from Antara, Thursday, September 15.

Iwan said that the disaster emergency response status through Regent's Decree Number 360/19/Kep-TD/BPBD can be the basis for handling the impact caused by land shifts. "We need to determine the Bogor Regent's Decree regarding the determination of the emergency response status for land shifts in Bojong Koneng Village. This will be our legal umbrella to deal with this disaster," said Iwan.

Meanwhile, Effendi himself said, had communicated to the Bogor Regent about this disaster. I myself have reported through WA to the Regent of Bogor Regency. It is true that the land there is indeed prone to moving. And there have also been incidents of moving land before," he said.

But I state that the Regency Government must look at which lands were cut down or cleaned and then not planted again. This could be because of heavy rains, but why does the Regency Government not pay attention if certain parties carry out land clearing without being planted again. And can it really be done with a development plan that is preceded by land clearing, with AMDAL for such an environment?

Effendi also hopes that Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto can act on this issue of moving land. Regarding Prabowo, I heard directly from the residents around him. They stated that Prabowo did not defend them. They really expect Prabowo to talk about the claims of developers who have taken land that they have lived on for so long. Or also about land clearing without being replanted, which they are worried about will make the land move worse, he said.

"I personally always invite residents if they are forced to cut down trees, leave at least one meter so that trees can continue to grow and the roots remain holding the ground," said Effendi.

The hope for Prabowo, who is now predicted as a presidential candidate by Gerindra for the 2024 election, will actually be great. In essence, the people are waiting for Prabowo to defend them. A good presidential candidate, who is firm, must defend the people around him first. Just talk about justice for the whole nation. The Universal People's Defense must start from around their own home first. Hopefully Mr. Prabowo as the presidential candidate will show his immediate firmness as the leader the people are waiting for!, said Effendi Gazali about this land accident.