Police Hit A Member Of The TNI, Bripka S Examined By The South Sumatra Police Bidpropam

SUMSEL - The South Sumatra Police (Sumsel) conducted an intensive examination of a police officer who reportedly hit a TNI member while on duty in Palembang City.

The Head of Public Relations of the South Sumatra Police, Kombes Pol. Supriadi, said the police officer was named Bripka S. As reported in the case of beating members of the TNI, Bripka S underwent a Propam examination, Ditreskrimum, to checking health at the South Sumatra Police Biddokkes.

"After receiving the report, we immediately examined, including the health concerned, the results were out and the Regional Police Chief had reported it. If an element of violation is found, we will of course process according to applicable regulations, both discipline and general criminal acts," Supriadi told reporters in Palembang, Thursday, September 15.

Supriadi deeply regrets that the beating by members of the South Sumatra Police took place against a member of the TNI from the Military Police Detachment (Denpom II/Swj).

"Regarding this, the police apologize if there is something that is not pleasing to all related parties," he said.

The incident of beating a police officer against a member of the TNI occurred on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman right in front of the Heroes Cemetery Ksetra Siguntang Palembang on Tuesday (13/9) morning when the TNI member was on duty.

The incident was caught on a traffic surveillance camera video around the location. The 1 minute 24 second video then went viral on various social media channels and the Whatsapp instant messaging network.

Dalam video itu terlihat anggota TNI Denpom II/Swj yang berjuang dinas lengkap menjadi korban pemukulan saat bertugas hingga helmnya terlepas. Pelaku pemukulan adalah oknum anggota polisi Bripka S.

Moments after the beating, the two disputes were dispersed by two members of the Traffic Unit who happened to be at the location. Until finally the incident was reported by Denpom to the SPKT of the South Sumatra Police on Tuesday, September 13, and is being processed until now.

Previously, the Head of Information for the Military Regional Command (Kodam) II Sriwijaya Lieutenant Colonel Kav Rohayat Happy Ariyanto said the report on the beating was carried out by the victim and the unit commander. "The incident (in the video) was true, the trigger was due to a misunderstanding. The person concerned has been processed by the South Sumatra Police," he said.