Kemenhub Tinjau Kesiapan Penerapan On-shore Power Supply Di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok

JAKARTA - The Director General of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation, Arif Toha said, the implementation of On-shore Power Supply (OPS) sources is one of the steps taken by Indonesia in terms of shipping decarbonization.

This OPS program, one of which will be implemented at Tanjung Priok Port.

Furthermore, Arif Toha said that the On-shore Power Supply service was also an act of mitigation to reduce greenhouse gases in the shipping sector.

For information, the On-shore Power Supply facility is a land-based power grid installed at the pier to be used for ships docked at the port. This facility is used to replace the energy source of the ship that previously used oil-fueled ship engines as a source of electrical energy.

OPS has been one of the climate change mitigation actions of sea transportation, which has reported its GRK emission reduction achievement to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) since 2019.

"I reviewed the implementation of On-shore Power Supply services at Tanjung Priok Port. This is our effort to ensure that services take place safely and adequate before the Circular Letter of the Director General of Sea Transportation regarding On-shore Power Supply at ports/Terminals in Indonesia," said Director General Arif, Thursday, September 15.

As a regulator, said Arif, the Directorate General of Sea Transportation supports the action by including the OPS program as one of the main policies.

The Directorate General Hubla will soon issue a Circular of the implementation of connecting power on land as a legal framework.

Arif Toha admits that he believes that OPS is more efficient in ship costs and operations and will bring great benefits to environmental protection.

There are several steps taken before issuing the Circular, including the trial period, OPS discussion, draft SE socialization, agreement and tariff socialization as well as the implementation of the OPS mandatory.

"Currently, there are 20 port locations in Indonesia that already have On-shore Power Supply which are prepared to serve the needs of ships when docking at the port," he said.

On the same occasion, said Arif, cooperation has been carried out between PT Lamong Energi Indonesia and PT ITS Tekno Science to develop an efficiency study of OPS services for ships and ports.

Arif said, based on the results of an OPS service study, it was able to provide energy efficiency for ships of 70 percent to 95 percent and cost efficiency of 80 percent to 93 percent.

In terms of ship exhaust emission (SOx and NOx), it is able to provide a reduction in emissions (Gram) at Port / Terminal by 75 percent to 93 percent where these emissions are produced by ships when docking, reducing exhaust emissions by ships is determined by the engine category as well as the year of building ship aid engines, so that the efficiency value at each terminal can vary depending on the docked ship.

Meanwhile, from service efficiency, said Arif, the use of On-shore Power Supply in addition to providing benefits to the environment, this service is able to provide fuel cost efficiency for ship operations when docking at ports.

"This step is expected to increase port efficiency, environmental quality, port competitiveness and port economic functions, one of which is by utilizing the On-shore Power Connection facility," said Arif.