Panic Residents Seeing The 3.5-meter Python In The Water Channel, Sigap Officers Evacuation

JAKARTA - Residents of Makasar Sub-district were shocked by the appearance of large pythons from inside the water channel. Because they panicked and were afraid of unwanted things, residents reported to the East Jakarta Fire Rescue and Management Sub-dept. (Sudin Gulkarmat) officers.

After receiving community reports, Gulkarmat Sub-dept. officers went straight to the location where the snake was found on Jalan Silangbaja, RT 02/04, Pinang Ranti Village, Makasar District, East Jakarta.

A total of 4 rescue officers from the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. were deployed to evacuate the snake that was troubling the residents.

"The evacuation object is a 3.5 meter long python. The snake is in a hole and rock gap," said East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. Head Gatot Sulaeman in his report, Wednesday, September 14.

The evacuation process took quite a long time. Officers took 60 minutes due to the difficult conditions of the location to reach.

"The evacuation was initiated at 18.20 WIB and the end of the evacuation was at 19.21 WIB," he said.

According to local residents, the snake suddenly appeared from within the river around the location.

"Residents saw the snake come out of the river and enter the hole or rock gap on the edge of the river. The snake was successfully evacuated. The situation is safe and under control," he said.