Thousands Of Junior High School Students In Surabaya Bulk Swab Test Ahead Of Face-to-Face Learning In Early 2021

SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) conducted mass swab tests on thousands of public and private junior high school students throughout Surabaya. This mass swab test was carried out in anticipation of preventing the transmission of COVID-19, ahead of the start of face-to-face school learning (PTMS) in early 2021.

"Yes, that's right, there is a swab test for thousands of state and private junior high school students, and it will be held for two days, starting today until tomorrow, Thursday, November 26," said Head of Public Relations of the Surabaya City Government, Febriaditya Prajatara, confirmed on Wednesday. , 25 November.

Based on available data, there are 5,038 students from 18 public and private junior high schools who take the swab test. In detail, 4,257 students from 11 state junior high schools, and the remaining 781 students come from seven private junior high schools.

"But there is one school that did not take the swab test, namely Petra 1 Christian Middle School with 278 students," said Febri.

However, Febri did not explain the reason why one school was absent from the mass swab test. He only said that the swab test was carried out simultaneously in each school. Meanwhile, health personnel come from Puskesmas officers in each of these sub-districts.

"Swab is carried out alternately so that there are no crowds at school, both before and after the swab," he said.

According to Febri, students who took the swab test were only those in class IX SMP. They are deemed sufficiently knowledgeable to comply with health protocols. While other class students will still be considered, if later grade IX students have carried out face-to-face learning well.

"If later the swab results are good and the Covid-19 case in Surabaya slopes, face-to-face learning can be held. When will it be held, we don't know yet," he said.

The following is the data for state and private junior high schools that held swabs from the Surabaya City Government

1. SMPN 1 Surabaya 398 students

2. SMPN 2 Surabaya 399 students

3. SMPN 3 Surabaya 321 students

4. 496 students of SMPN 10 Surabaya

5. SMPN 12 Surabaya 440 students

6. SMPN 15 Surabaya 400 students

7. SMPN 19 Surabaya 485 students

8. SMPN 26 Surabaya 417 students

9. SMPN 28 Surabaya 440 students

10. SMPN 46 Surabaya 348 students

11. SMPN 62 Surabaya 113 students

12. SMP 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya 59 students

13. SMP Al Hikmah 123 students

14. SMP GIKI 2 Surabaya 55 students

15. SMP Kristen YBPK 1 Surabaya 42 students

16. SMP Santa Maria Surabaya with 132 students

17. SMP Santo Carolus Surabaya 92 students