Cat's Life Age Can Be Up To 20 Years, This Influences Factors

YOGYAKARTA On average, the cat age reaches 15 years. However, Crøme turun, a cat that was recorded to be up to 38 years old and recorded in Guinness World Records. This cat was born in 1967 and died in 2005 in Austin, Texas.

This cat can be nearly four decades old, but not known for certain the factors that affected it. Of course the combination of care with great care, good genetics, and a safe environment may be key factor.

The cat has been kept as a pet for thousands of years. This Anabul comes from a stray cat that is kept to help control the seatlet population. These cats, eventually spread throughout the world as pets. Of course with certain characteristics on each race. The primary cat race, was initially bred from four regions, namely the Arabian Sea, the East Mediterranean, South Asia, and Western Europe. These four regions produce cats that have different genetic markers based on their territory or race, reported by The Spruce Cats, Sunday, September 11.

The age of life for cats is not known for certain. But some cat races are known to last the longest than others. Like the Siam and Manx cat breeds, they are two races that often live longer. But there are also other races that live to the age of 20 years, up to 30s. Both pure cat breeds and domestic mixed races have the potential to have the average age of the cat species.

Cats as carnivorous animals, must eat meat. Many studies have been conducted to determine the needs of home cat food. So the choice of food is available a lot for cat owners.

It should be noted that cats naturally cannot digest carbohydrates and lactose in large quantities. So foods that contain carbohydrates don't need to be included in their food list. Even carbohydrates can reduce digestable protein so it's actually dangerous for cats.

Protein is a very important source of food for cats. They need large amounts of protein when compared to dogs. Adult cats, should receive at least 5.5 grams of protein a day. That is, the average 4 kilograms of cat consumes 20 grams of protein every day.

In addition, amino acids such as taurin, metionin, and sistin are important vitamins for cats so that they are always healthy.

Like humans, cats too, if they don't eat healthy foods, will trigger diseases and are attacked by parasites. Some diseases have an effect on the life age of the cat. In addition to health, poor genetics also disturbed the cat's immunity.

Some cats are considered as fully indoor pets. While others are still pets outdoors and indoors. This affects the daily risk, that indoor cats are completely safer and tend to have a long life.

Cats that live outdoors, are at risk of being hit by a vehicle, getting injured by wild animals, eating poison, looking for quality foods, and developing parasites that may cause disease.

Those are the oldest factors and cats that can live for decades. Even though you have no full control over the age of the cat, you can provide quality care and a safe and healthy environment for your favorite annabul.