Caring For Strong Respirence When Running Overseas Ala

YOGYAKARTA - Let's be clear: There is no ingredient so that the strong breath at running that will take you to the podium without your dedication to proper training and nutrition. However, if you've done what you can in terms of diet and exercise, then adding daily herbal supplements to enhance the effects of your exercise may serve as a "chemical setup" for your body and help you achieve your next goal. performance level.

Here are five food supplements that have been evaluated in research study of resistance athletes on their ability to increase oxygen efficiency, increase blood flow, balance hormone profiles, and increase stress adaptation.


Cordyceps helps accelerate the transfer of oxygen from red blood cells to mitochondria. It is a Tibetan fungus used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for "lung protection" and to balance "Qi" - a basic "life energy".

In clinical studies, the feeding of cordyceps resulted in a significant increase in fatigue, oxygen absorption, and endurance exercise performance. In addition, a 2016 study found that acute and consistent cordyceps supplementation could increase tolerance for high-intensity exercise.

Dose: 100-500mg (standard for adenosin 5-10%)


Rhodiola has proven to have some considerable effects as triple-threat analytics for energy, focus and vitality, making it a favorite among endurance athletes. In fact, long before they used synthetic steroids, Russians tested Rhodiola on their Olympic athletes, claiming that it increased endurance and reduced recovery time.

Rhodiola helps increase the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to red blood cells. These are the Himalayan roots used by the Sherpa people to "adaptasi" with life pressure and work at altitude. Even today, climbers of Sherpa chew the rhodiola to increase energy and durability while helping mountain climbers climb Mount flow.

One mechanism for the anti-expension effect of rhodiola is an increase in oxygen efficiency - with subjects living at altitude (5,380 meters) showing a beneficial effect of rhodiola supplementation on blood oxygen levels, time for fatigue, peak VO2, and lung ventilation during endurance exercises. In addition, it has been proven to help the body produce adenosin trifosphate (APT). This gives energy to the cell level.

Dose: 50-300mg (standard for 5-6% rosawan)

Eleuthero and Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha (Indianginseng) and eleuthero ( Siberian seeds) provide resistance to physical stress and increase energy levels. They are used in traditional medicine as a "adaptogen" to help the body adapt to stressful situations.

One study of the ashwagandha published in the International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda found that people who consumed supplements 300 mg of herbs twice a day for 12 weeks experienced an increase in their VO2 max. Another study in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine observed elite cyclists who consumed 500 mg of supplements twice a day for eight weeks and found that their endurance and VO2 max increased significantly.

Profiting the nervous, endocrine, and immune system, the Ashwagandha root maintains and strengthens adrenal, thyroid, and immune functions. It also helps reduce inflammation and lower blood sugar. Because it stabilizes adrenal systems and lowers cortisol levels, the roots of the ashwagandha have become popular in recent years to relieve anxiety and, regardless of the energy effects of the ingredients, as a sleep aid.

If you run a high distance or do intense exercise, you put yourself at risk of increasing cortisol levels, sometimes chronically. This can have unpleasant consequences such as fatigue, insomnia, weight gain, menstrual cycle disorders, mental fog, vulnerabilities to infection, and increased risk of injury. Ashwagandha helps you relax and adapt to any stress you put on your body from tougher exercises to anxiety.

Eleuthero is one of the first recognized and adopted adaptogens as a durability enhancer and is generally considered more stimulating than ashwagandha. There is extensive research into its ability to help minimize fatigue during endurance activity, as well as increase focus during fatigue. In one 8-week study on recreational male resistance athletes, eleuthero supplementation is found to increase endurance capacity, improve cardiovascular function and change metabolism to save glycogens.

Dose: Ashwagandha, 10-30mg (standard for 5-10% withanolides); Eleuthero, 100-200mg (extended for eleutheothersides 0.5-1%)


Eurycoma balances two important hormones in the body - cortisol and testosterone. These are the roots, often called Malaysian ginseng, which are used as traditional medicines in Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam) to help individuals "adaptation" with reduced energy and a depressed mood that often comes with chronic and overtraining stress.

Eurycoma contains a small group of effective peptides in restoring the balance between cortisol and testosterone.

Dose: 25-50mg (standard for 20-25% eurypepides)

After knowing the ingredients so that the breath is strong while running, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!