Allegedly Separated From The Herd, Wild Elephants Entered The Settlement Of Border Residents 2 Villages In Aceh Jaya

ACEH JAYA - A wild elephant suspected of being separated from a herd entered a residential area on the border of Cot Dulang Village with Bak Paoh Village, Jaya District, Aceh Jaya Regency, Aceh Province.One resident of Cot Dulang Rahimi Village (40) said that he first saw the male elephant when he was about to cross the river, precisely under the Babah Krueng and Bak Paoh Villages, Jaya District, Aceh Jaya Regency at around 07.40 WIB today."When I left the house to the Lamno market, a wild elephant was seen in the river from above the suspension bridge," said Rahimi as quoted by Antara.After seeing an elephant, he immediately reported to Geusyik (village head) Pante Keutapang Village who then reported it to the Polsek and also the Jaya District Forest Police.Meanwhile, Acting Regent of Aceh Jaya, Nurdin, said that after receiving information regarding wild elephants entering residential areas, he immediately went to the location to review.