Expressing The Reason For Selecting Azwar Anas As Menpan RB, Jokowi: Clear Track Record

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo explained the reason why he chose Abdullah Azwar Anas as Minister of Administrative Reform (Menpan RB).Jokowi views that Azwar Anas has a fairly good track record during his tenure as Banyuwangi Regent for two terms, from October 21, 2010 to February 17, 2021."We all know that Mr. Azwar Anas has a clear track record when he was in charge of the bureaucracy in Banyuwangi. I see a lot of things. I saw directly there, innovations in the field of public services," said Jokowi at the Merdeka Palace, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, September 7.The innovations that Jokowi said included the management of ID cards by residents, to licensing arrangements. From there, Jokowi views that Azwar Anas, who is a PDIP politician, deserves to be included in his cabinet.To Azwar Anas, Jokowi advised to move quickly in managing bureaucratic reform, so that state officials have high discipline and can serve the community quickly."This, once again PAN RB. The RB is bureaucratic reform. So, it is worked on quickly, so that our bureaucracy becomes a service bureaucracy, a bureaucracy with high discipline," said Jokowi."He doesn't have to be like this, really. There's no need to order. You already understand what to do. You really understand. You don't understand, but you really understand," he continued.As is known, Jokowi inaugurated Azwar Anas as Menpan RB at the State Palace today. He replaced Tjahjo Kumolo who died due to illness on July 1.Azwar Anas is the former Regent of Banyuwangi, Azwar Anas, and has also served as Head of the Goods and Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP). Azwar Anas is a PDIP cadre.Based on the state administrator's wealth report (LHKPN) which he reported to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Azwar had assets of Rp. 16,380,464,415. He is not recorded as having debts, so his wealth does not decrease.