Help Pakistan's Flood Victims, Dubai Send 33 Tons Of Humanitarian Assistance

JAKARTA - Dubai, United Arab Emirates sent the first batch of aid from the International Humanitarian City (IHC) to Pakistan, to help deadly flood victims.

The first delivery involved three C130 military aircraft carrying 33 tons of humanitarian aid and protective goods, from the UN refugee agency supplies in Dubai to mediate.

Para pejabat mengatakan, bantuan itu, yang merupakan bagian dari jembatan udara kemanusiaan yang didirikan antara Dubai dan Pakistan, akan bermanfaat bagi 13,600 orang, melansir The National News 6 September.

The aid includes medical supplies and basic health, which will help reduce the spread of diseases caused by puddles in flood areas, as well as personal hygiene and food supplies for those affected by the crisis.

On Thursday, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, vice president and ruler of Dubai, ordered aid worth $13.6 million to be delivered to Pakistan.

Over the coming week, nine additional flights will transport further aid to the country on behalf of IHC partners, including the United Nations World Food Program, the World Health Organization, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Associations.

It is known that floods in recent weeks have affected most of Pakistan. Sindh's southern province, where mired is its capital, has been worst affected.

More than 1,300 people have died and millions have lost their homes, due to flooding caused by the unusually heavy muson rain by many experts accused of causing climate change.

Separately, responding to the ongoing disaster, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres last week asked the world to stop 'run while sleeping' through the crisis. He plans to visit the flood-hit area on September 9.