Mangkujiwo 2 More Brutal And Dilature, This Is The Early Story Of The Birth Of The Universe Of Kuntilanak

JAKARTA - After two years of release, Mangkijiwo will continue his story in the sequel to Mangkujiwo 2. The production house MVP Pictures developed Mangkujiwo in three dramas version ofodenny Estelle and Evan Tape (released from 2006 to 2008). In the film Kuntilanak, Mangkujiwo is the name of the sect that is often mentioned.

Remember the scene where Sam (Julie) spoke with Yanti, the manager of the boarding house? Yanti said that the boarding house used to be a batik factory called Mangkajiwo. Over time, the audience is invited to get to know at a glance the history of Mangkajiwo, including the sect that maintains Kuntilanak as a substitute.

As a sect, Mangkujiwo has many followers, who are not clearly illustrated, how did Mangkujiwo form. Does Mangkujiwo have branches spread throughout Java? This Mangkujiwo 2 will provide an answer.

Still under the direction of the cold-handed Director Azhar Kinoi Lubis, Mangkujiwo 2 is still filled with ensemble cast from Mangkujiwo before, namely Sudjiwo Tedjo, Djenar Maesa Ayu, Yasamin Jasem, Karina Suwandi, and added a number of names that are familiar to the world of cinema, namely Kiki Narend, Marthino Lio, Widika Sidmore, Yayuk Unru, Prit Timothy.

The plan is for the Mangkajiwo 2 film to start shooting in September 2022 in three cities, namely, Semarang, Yogyakarta and Solo. Still themed and set in the 70s, the production of Artistic Administration in the Mangkajiwo 2 film was taken a very serious and very detailed approach.

The process of making the story script is also still written by Dimawan Hatta and also goes through a very long process and involves people behind the name of the Universe of Kuntilanak. The Mangkajiwo 2 film is planned to be ready to fill the big screen in early 2023.

We made this Mangkujiwo 2 film to cure the longing for the followers of the Mangkujiwo sect. It was the followers of the Mangkujiwo sect who burned our enthusiasm to make a continuation of Mangkujiwo. The production process that we carried out from the writing of the story and also the Research and Development of this film, we really pay attention to as detailed as possible," said Amrit Punjabi after the thanksgiving for the inaugural shooting on Saturday, September 3.

"This is Mangkujiwo's world after the Twin Pengilon was united. They created a secret power that works with dark powers. We hope for Uma and Rimba's love, but can love beat slander and lies? In the Mangkajiwo 2 film is a brutal explanation of the darkness of human evil, where even the worst devil, is nothing more and nothing less is the human himself," explained Azhar Kinoi Lubis.