Recently, Dozens Of Teachers Of Kindergarten And Elementary Schools In Malang City Had Had Mass Food Toxics

JAKARTA - The condition of dozens of teachers in Kindergarten (TK) and Elementary Schools (SD) who have food poisoning is now gradually starting to improve.

Head of the Malang City Education and Culture Office, Suwarjana, explained that teachers are currently entering a period of recovery.

"All those who are hospitalized have gone home, all those who are outpatients have recovered, but they still need rest," said Suwarjana, Tuesday, September 6.

Suwarjana explained that due to dozens of teachers who experienced food poisoning, one of the schools, namely SD Muhammadiyah 4 Malang City, did not carry out face-to-face learning.

According to him, teaching and learning activities at SD, located in Lowokwaru District, Malang City, are still being carried out online due to dozens of teachers experiencing food poisoning on September 1, 2022.

"All teachers, none of the students have food poisoning. As of Wednesday (7/9) learning is still being done online and students are not taking holidays," he said, quoted from Antara.

Dozens of teachers in Malang City reportedly experienced food poisoning due to eating boxed rice provided by a catering in the area. Overall there were 65 teachers who had food poisoning.

"A total of 65 people were poisoned by food and that's from two different incidents," he added.

The food poisoning incident occurred at SD Muhammadiyah 4 Malang City for 20 teachers and at the Center Meeting of the Cluster Activity (PKG) for 45 teachers. The incident occurred on the same day on September 1, 2022.

The PKG meeting was attended by 48 heads of Kindergarten (TK). Of these, 45 of them consumed boxed rice from a catering service. The 45 people then experienced nausea, diarrhea, dizziness and vomiting.

Of the 45 teachers who were poisoned by the food, three had to be hospitalized, while 42 were hospitalized. Currently, the condition of the heads of kindergarten is reported to have improved.

Meanwhile, at SD Muhammadiyah 4 Malang City, as many as 20 teachers were reported to have experienced the same thing on the same day. The incident began when one of the parents gave 20 boxes of rice to the teachers at the school.

Of the 20 teachers who received the boxed rice, some of them were fasting, so they did not immediately eat the boxed rice. A number of other teachers who did not fast, then ate the boxed rice.

"It happened on September 1, 2022. Of the 20 teachers, some fasted. Some fasted eating the boxed rice when it opened, but some were eaten directly," he said.

After eating the boxed rice, the teachers experienced a number of reactions, including stomach pain, vomiting and dizziness. The teacher who experienced the reaction was then taken to the hospital for treatment.