Sign In To List 4 Of The Strongest Candidates, Observers: Erick Thohir Can Be Counted In The 2024 Presidential Election

JAKARTA - SOE Minister Erick Thohir has consistently appeared on the strongest electability exchange for vice presidential candidates (cawapres) for the 2024 presidential election in the findings of the latest survey released by the Indonesian Poltracking agency. Political communication observer at Esa Unggul University, Jamiluddin Ritonga, believes that Erick Thohir is indeed one of the candidates who deserves to be a presidential candidate or vice presidential candidate in 2024. Indication, Erick's electability shows an increasing trend.

"Although compared to Anies Bawesdan, Prabowo Subianto, and Ganjar Pranowo, Erick's electability is still far below. However, with the recent increase in electability, Erick hopes to be a candidate to be reckoned with," said Jamiluddin, Saturday, September 3.

Moreover, recently, he continued, Erick indirectly received support from President Joko Widodo. Jokowi, according to Jamiluddin, as when he was in Papua, seemed to endorse Erick. "This of course has the opportunity to boost Erick's electability," he said.

In addition, Jamiluddin assessed that volunteers in various regions were also seen continuing to move to ensure Erick's eligibility as a presidential candidate. This can also boost Erick's electability.

"Kapatas sebagai Menteri BUMN juga menjadi nilai jual bagi Erick menjadi capres atau cawapres. Suka tidak suka, kinerjanya sebagai Menteri BUMN sangat baik. Bahkan dengan bersih-bersih di BUMN dapat mengangkat pamornya sebagai capres atau cawapres anti korupsi," jelasnya.

In addition, according to Jamiluddin, Erick's financial ability is also very supportive of himself being a presidential or vice presidential candidate. Erick can independently finance his campaign, so that dependence on the owner of the capital (naga) can be minimized.

"That way, Erick will not be able to educate the dragon if he later becomes a presidential or vice presidential candidate," he said.

"All of this is indeed Erick's selling point to be marketed to the public. If the public knows Erick's capacity, then the electability is likely to be increased even higher," he continued.

However, Jamiluddin assessed that Erick seemed more suitable to be the vice presidential candidate. Erick, he said, could be duetd with several other candidates whose electability is currently high.

As a vice presidential candidate, Jamiluddin added, Erick is very much needed considering that in the future economic problems will be very prominent. Its capacity in this field is expected to be able to overcome economic problems if he becomes vice president.

"The problem is, is there a political party that is serious about carrying it? Of course time will tell," said Jamiluddin. Previously, Erick Thohir's electability was consistent in the strongest row of vice presidents when it was simulated with 10 names. The former Inter Milan president has consistently entered the top 4 of the strongest vice presidents in the recent Poltracking survey.

Although there are a number of new figures, Erick Thohir is able to compete with names that have been involved in politics in the country for a long time. Like the Governor of West Java (Jabar), Ridwan Kamil and Menparekraf, who had run for vice president in 2019, Sandiaga Uno.

In the simulation of the ballots of 10 vice presidential candidates, Ridwan Kamil 12.6 percent, followed by Sandiaga Uno 11.9 percent. Followed by AHY 11.7 percent and Erick Thohir 10.8 percent," said the Executive Director of Poltracking Indonesia, Hanta Yuda at the National Poltracking Indonesia Survey Release entitled "Projection of the 2024 Presidential Election Coalition Map", Wednesday, August 31.