Before Dispersing, Residents Of The South Sumatra Mendala Village Received A Child Request Who Lectured In Yogyakarta Buy A Laptop Of Rp. 14 Million

OKU - Police officers from the Ogan Komering Ulu Resort Police, South Sumatra evacuated the body of EF (50), a resident of Mendala Village, Peninjauan District who was found dead hanging from the ceiling of his home on Friday at 14.00 WIB."The victim was found dead hanging from a rope by his wife Erna Lela (40)," said Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Police Chief, AKBP Danu Agus Purnomo through Head of Public Relations AKP Syafaruddin in Baturaja, Antara, Friday, September 2.Finding her husband dead, the witness screamed hysterically for help from local residents and reported the tragic incident to the local police.Upon receiving the report, the police moved quickly to the scene, but the victim's life could not be saved and was declared dead.From the results of the crime scene (TKP), the police found several pieces of evidence, such as a blue nylon rope, a piece of brown clothes along with shorts used by the victim when ending his life by hanging himself.According to witness statements before carrying out the reckless action, the victim's son, who is currently studying in Yogyakarta, asked to buy a laptop for Rp. 14 million."There is no problem with neighbors so far. But indeed in his daily life the victim is known to be closed and quiet," he explained.Before being buried, he said, the victim's body was taken to the Peninjauan Health Center for a post-mortem with the approval of the victim's family."This was done to ensure that no acts of violence were experienced by the victims," he said.