World Coconut Day, Moeldoko Tanam New Kelapa Varietas, This Is The Excellence

JAKARTA - Coinciding with World Coconut Day or World Kelapa Day which falls on September 2, 2022, Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko also planted a relatively new coconut variety. What are the advantages of this head variety?

On the sidelines of his visit to Purwokerto, Central Java, Friday, September 2, Moeldoko visited the Science Techno Park garden belonging to the University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto (UMP) where the kopyor coconut variety is cultivated.

Directly dropped into the garden located in the UMP complex, Moeldoko planted superior seeds of kopyor coconut called the Genjah Kuning Sinumpur variety. This is a new variety developed by Prof. Sisunandar, one of the biologists from the UMP.

Not only planting, Moeldoko also picked one of the kopyor coconuts ready to be harvested.

After that, while enjoying the kopyor he picked himself up, Moeldoko actively discussed with Prof. Sisunandar, nicknamed the professor of kopyor coconut, to find out more about the economic potential and benefits of the kopyor coconut.

Kelapa kopyor is a superior product that can bring a lot of potential to the country. I hope young people start to look at this coffee coconut variety as an opportunity, so research and study of kopyor coconut continues to grow," said Moeldoko in a written statement received by VOI.

Prof. Sisunandar also greatly appreciates the attention given by the Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko. He hopes that the government will continue to encourage the development of kopyor coconut. "This company is only owned by Indonesia. The Techno Park University of the UMP is still the only coconut nutfah plantation in Indonesia. There must be a garden like this elsewhere, so that the kopyor does not disappear," said Prof. Sisunandar.