Don't Select, LaNyalla Asks Police To Arrest Big Judi Boss, Not The Field Operator's Pursuit

JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, asked the National Police to complete the gambling case to support the activity. According to him, only employees from online gambling sites were arrested. Even though behind it, it is suspected that there was a large manager.

"We appreciate the eradication of gambling by the police. Unfortunately, the boss of online gambling has not been reported to have been arrested. What the police public heard was that they had just arrested employees or field operators from online gambling sites," said LaNyalla on the sidelines of a working visit in Surabaya, Thursday, September 1. This is a written statement received by VOI editors.

Therefore, he asked the police to completely dismantle and prioritize punishment for his big boss. "Online gambling is very damaging to the mentality of young people. Two years we have been hit by a pandemic that has lost our jobs. When online gambling appears with offers easy to earn money, finally this is enough for young people. They fall into online gambling and find it difficult to stop them," said LaNyalla.

What is worse, he continued, is the offer of online gambling directly via SMS. This means that the perpetrators not only open online gambling sites but also break into data. "This should be a concern for the authorities as well. Because contacting directly to personal numbers is of course very disturbing privacy. And it needs to be investigated why this gambling site knows people's personal numbers," he said.

Representing the public, LaNyalla admitted to supporting the National Police in arresting online gambling players as well as related parties or other parties who participate in protecting gambling activities.

AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti also hopes that the police and related agencies will educate internet users not to enter online gambling sites. As is known, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo ordered all his staff, from Headquarters to Polda, to eradicate the perpetrators of gambling activities both online and conventional.