Solar Realization In Central Sulawesi Until July 2022 Capai 62,625 KL, Pertalite 227,350 KL

PALU - Senior Supervisor Communication & Relations of Pertamina Patra Niaga Region Sulawesi Taufiq Kurniawan explained, the realization of fuel oil (BBM) subsidies in the Solar type from January to July 2022 has reached approximately 62,625 kiloliters (KL) or 56 percent of the total quota of Solar Central Sulawesi 118,769 KL.

The Solar Quota given by the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) this year fell 9,151 KL, when compared to the 2021 quota, it was at 127,920 KL.

"Although there is a national reduction, stock resilience is still sufficient even though it has an impact on vehicle queues at gas stations," said Taufik as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 30.

In addition, the realization of the Pertalite type fuel quota in the same month reached 227,350 KL or about 70 percent.

Therefore, Pertamina takes concrete steps by regulating the distribution process through a subsidy mechanism on target. According to him, if the system is not implemented, it is estimated that by December there will be an excess quota of around 20 percent.

"These two types of fuel are the government's concern. Although the government predicts that the subsidized fuel quota will only be able to last until September, the quota in Central Sulawesi will certainly be fulfilled by the end of the year," said Taufiq.

Taufiq guarantees that the Pertalite and Solar quotas in the Central Sulawesi region will be sufficient for public consumption until the end of 2022.

"We are trying to maintain the availability of adequate stock, and our subsidized fuel quota until December," he said.

Meanwhile, Pertamina has imposed sanctions on 28 Public Fuel Filling Stations (SPBU) or distribution agencies that are proven to have committed violations by serving fuel filling using jerry cans/drums, as well as vehicle modification tanks for certain purposes.

Of the 28 gas stations, 10 of them are gas stations in Central Sulawesi Province.

This action was carried out as a form of firmness by his party against the practice of abusing the distribution of subsidized fuel by operators/employees of gas stations.

"Our action of 50 percent is public complaints through the Cell Center 135 Pertamina," said Taufiq.