LPEI Provides Training To MSMEs In Lampung To Strengthen Export Ecosystems

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI)/Indonesia Eximbank is said to provide training for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Lampung to build and strengthen the growth of the export ecosystem.

In the agenda titled Coaching Program for New Exporters (CPNE), LPEI cooperates with around 60 local MSMEs from various sectors, namely food and beverage products, handicrafts, fertilizers and livestock.

LPEI Executive Director Riyani Tirtoso said that his party collaborated with the Lampung Export Forum (FALE) consisting of the Lampung Provincial Government, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Lampung, Bank Indonesia Lampung, Customs and Excise and related parties to be realized in the CPNE Program.

"This program is a form of training and assistance in order to create new exporters and increase MSME capacity," he said in a written statement on Tuesday, August 30.

According to Riyani, the participants were guided by various training modules and assistance so that MSME actors would not only understand in theory but be able to apply them in direct business.

"The next stage, participants will be given a program on how to market their products through a marketing hand holding program," he said.

On the same occasion, the Regional Secretary of the Lampung Provincial Government, Fahrizal Darminto, appreciated the support provided by LPEI in order to encourage increased exports in his area.

"On behalf of the Lampung Provincial Government, we thank LPEI in realizing the Lampung MSMEs to advance through the Black Lada Foreign Exchange Village program and the CPNE program," he said.

For information, LPEI and the Ministry of Industry some time ago inaugurated the Black Lada Foreign Exchange Village in East Lampung Regency, Lampung Province along with the peak event of the Proudly Made in Indonesia National Movement.

LPEI as the Ministry of Finance's Special Mission Vehicle (SMV) stated that it will continue to build an export ecosystem in the Foreign Exchange Village Program and CPNE program which is carried out in a systematic and gradual manner to produce new exporters.