Indometer Survey: Prabowo-Anies And Anies-Puan Unggul In The 2024 Presidential Election Simulation

JAKARTA - The results of the Indometer survey show that the Prabowo Subianto-Anies Baswedan pair and the Anies Baswedan-Puan Maharani pair excel in the presidential election simulation (pilpres).

"The Prabowo-Anies and Anies-Puan pairs excel in the presidential-vice presidential simulation," said Indometer Executive Director Leonard in the survey results quoted by ANTARA, Monday, August 29.

In the simulation of three pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates, the pair of Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan won with an electability of 44.3 percent.

This figure beats the results of a survey of the pair of DPR Speaker Puan Maharani and TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa who won 28.8 percent and Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo and SOE Minister Erick Thohir with 22.3 percent; while 4.6 percent answered they did not know.

Meanwhile, the Anies-Puan pair in the Indometer presidential election simulation won 40.4 percent, while Ganjar-Andika got 32.2 percent and Prabowo-Khofifah got 22.4 percent); the remaining 5 percent did not know or did not answer.

In addition, there is a simulation in which the Prabowo-Puan pair won with 37.7 percent electability, Ganjar-Erick won 30.4 percent, Anies-AHY got 28.3 percent, and 3.6 percent did not know or did not answer.

In a simulation of four pairs, Ganjar and Golkar Party DPP chairman Airlangga Hartarto won with 32.3 percent, followed by Anies and Democratic Party DPP chairman Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono with 29.7 percent, Prabowo and PKB DPP chairman Muhaimin Iskandar got 18 .4 percent, Puan-Andika as much as 12.8 percent, and 6.8 percent did not know or did not answer.

"With the 20 percent presidential threshold (PT) still in effect, a maximum of four pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates can be formed, possibly only three or even two pairs," explained Leonard.

Meanwhile, there are a number of names that will be carried by the PDI-P, such as Andika Perkasa, Anies Baswedan, and Prabowo Subianto.

"Puan-Andika may be carried by the PDI-P-NasDem coalition, where Andika is included in the list of proposed presidential candidates according to the NasDem National Working Meeting, as well as the Anies-Puan pair," he said.

The Indometer survey was conducted on 15-20 August 2022 to 1,200 respondents in all provinces who were randomly selected by multistage random sampling. Interviews were conducted face-to-face by applying the COVID-19 health protocol. The survey's margin of error is around 2.98 percent and is at a 95 percent confidence level.