President Of SBY's Office Of Mohammad Ma'ruf As Minister Of Home Affairs In History Today, 28 August 2007

JAKARTA - Today, 15 years ago, August 28, 2007, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono initiated to end the position of Mohammad Ma'ruf as Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) of the Republic of Indonesia. All because Mohammad Ma'ruf was sick and could not hold the maximum position.

Pure health reasons. Not for political reasons. After that, the position of the Minister of Home Affairs was filled by the former Governor of Central Java, Mardiyanto. He served as Minister of Home Affairs for two years.

The cabinet reshuffle in President SBY's administration often occurs. The change in the composition of ministers was carried out to answer criticism from the public. Ministers who are considered to have a slow and more usual performance are replaced to a more appropriate figure.

In the first phase of the reshuffle of the United Indonesia cabinet in 2005, for example. Several ministers were replaced. And some of them changed positions. SBY considered this step to answer the dynamics of politics in the country which often rose and fell.

The cabinet reshuffle did not stop. SBY again made a cabinet reshuffle on May 7, 2007. The new names filled the ministerial structure. However, SBY's statement often confused the audience. This is because the number one person in Indonesia is often inconsistent with the reasons for the cabinet reshuffle.

At one time the cabinet reshuffle is considered to replace his staff who have poor performance. Meanwhile, other times SBY revealed that the reshuffle was carried out, not that his minister had poor performance.

However, regarding the first and second cabinet reshuffles, the president actually does not accommodate public voices and demands. The main guidelines used by the president are only take-and-give in politics in an effort to secure his position; not the right man in the right place as he often mentioned in campaigns ahead of the 2004 presidential election," said Tjipta Lesmana in the book From Soekarno to SBY (2013).

However, specifically ending the position of Mohammad Ma'ruf as Minister of Home Affairs is considered to have no political reason. Because Mohammad Ma'ruf's condition is no longer fit to take office.

Mohammad Ma'ruf's condition has been discovered by SBY recently starting to fall ill. SBY gave the opportunity for a while, but the decision had to be taken. SBY immediately ended Mohammad Ma'ruf's position on August 28, 2007. The day after, the position was given by SBY to Mardiyanto.

"I also asked Mrs. Ma'ruf to keep the family strong and continue to be diligent in taking healing steps. To Mrs. Ma'ruf I would like to thank you on behalf of the government and the state because Mr. Maruf has worked diligently, hard and sacrificed a lot of his time to participate in managing the government, almost 2.5 years. Of course I give the highest possible award.

"I hope to the family to connect the ties of friendship so that we can pray for each other, help for the common good. My wife and I are frankly surprised to see the progress experienced by Mr. Maruf. Especially when compared to the first time I visited him when he had just experienced the disease," said President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as quoted by the State Secretariat website.

Mohammad Ma'ruf, a retired TNI officer with the rank of Lieutenant General, died in Bandung on March 10, 2017. After being inactive in the military, he entered politics by joining the Democratic Party. His body was buried at the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery, Jakarta.