Knowing The Art Of Pedagogy, Tehnik Seru Inspires Art Elements In Student Learning

JAKARTA - The dependence of students with today's technology has made students' characters individualistic. However, technological advances cannot be avoided so that educators are required to adapt technology in learning methods. Therefore, creative learning is needed to shape the character of students who are able to think creatively and have high motivation.

One that can be applied is The Art of Pedagogy which inserts elements of art in creativity into learning methods to explore creativity. This was discussed in the KGSB (Student Teacher Community Sharing) and RGBK held a Webinar Series for Creative Counseling Services for Students, Saturday 27 August 2022.

By presenting resource persons from BK SMP Darul Hikam Bandung, Content Creator, Founder of @bkstoria Fikri Faturrahman, S.Pd as well as Founder of BK Teacher's House and Widyaiswara West Java Provincial Mobilizing Teachers at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Ana Susanti, M.Pd. CEP, CHT.

This webinar activity was attended by hundreds of teachers and teachers from PAUD to Higher Education in Indonesia and Timor Leste. One of the main discussions on the implementation of "The Art of Pedagogy"

KGSB founder, Ruth Andriani said KGSB seeks to facilitate teachers in increasing their ability to support education and creative learning. Through creative traders, it will teach students how to learn creatively and become creators of themselves and their future.

"Hopefully this webinar inspires Sahabat Guru Hebat and is able to apply creative learning methods for students by utilizing imagination, pictures, dramas, music and stories." said Ruth, Saturday, August 27.

The founder of the BK Teacher's House, Ana Susanti in her presentation explained the importance of inserting The Art of Pedagogy, one of which is in the counseling service method. The concept, which was popularized by Professor Robyn Ewing's from The University of Sidney, supports teachers to involve aspects of play, imagination, design, expression, exploration, provocation, metafort, expression & representation and communication.

Facilities that can be used can be through the arts of dance, music, singing, acting, painting, sculpting, poetry, and so on. Indicators of creativity that can be judged by The Art of Pedagogy are the ability to imagine, think critically, discipline, persistence, courage, ability to take risks and reflect themselves.

The Art of Pedagogy is an effective tool to make BK services more attractive and liked. In its implementation, good and bad works made by students are not very important. The experience in students is far more important to make them grow and know what they want, explained Ana.

In this session, best practice is carried out related to the literacy of creative counseling guidance services. Fikri Faturahman explained that as the first step for counseling guidance teachers (BK) must have creative perceptions including knowledge of BK (knowledge BK), Design Thingsking and adaptive/flexible nature.

The knowledge of BK serves as the basis for decision-making. Design Thingsking is useful in planning services based on creative ideas to solve problems in the school environment. The adaptive nature is useful for adjusting to various changes in school conditions. In practicing creative BK services, Fikri emphasizes four important aspects that Teacher Bk must improve, namely Feel, Do, Imagine, Share. Four important aspects can be implemented to three segments of BK services, namely services for all students, services for some students and services for some students.

Before providing creative services, a teacher must first observe to listen and understand the needs of students. Teachers must also update on contemporary trends that relate to students who want to be close and believe so that good engagements are established, for example by gamification," he said.

In this webinar activity, webinar is also simulated with teachers, namely the interactive gamification of the Justice Rescue Agent Mission created from Fikri Faturahman. This robe is an example of tools used to overcome the problem of student learning interest.