Papua Provincial Government Wants Earth Of Cenderawasih To Be Free From Corruption

JAYAPURA - The Papuan Provincial Government (Pemprov) hopes that through the 2022 Integrity Assessment Survey (SPI) and the presentation of the 2021 SPI results, the easternmost region of Indonesia is free from corruption, especially in Cenderawasih Earth.

Implementation of Duties Assistant for General Affairs of the Papua Regional Secretariat Derek Hegemur said that since several years ago, the KPK Prevention and Monitoring Division has assisted and guided the implementation of SPI in the Papua Provincial Government.

"Reinforcing governance is one of the priorities for regional development in the Papua Province in realizing the vision of a Rising, Independent and Prosperous Papua with Justice," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, August 25.

According to Derek, his party continues to strive to strengthen clean, effective, democratic and reliable governance.

"For this reason, capacity building, accountability for the administration of government and public services as well as monitoring systems in financial management and regional performance will continue to be carried out," he said.

Derek explained that since 2016 through the assistance of the KPK in the context of preventing corruption related to planning and budgeting, procurement of goods and services, licensing, strengthening of the government's internal supervisory apparatus (APIP), ASN management, revenue management, and asset management, Papua Province is one of the six provinces. which is a priority for the CCP.

"The Integrity Assessment Survey (SPI) is a survey to map the risk of corruption and the progress of corruption prevention efforts carried out by ministries or institutions as well as local governments," he said.

Derek added that the SPI respondents consisted of internal, namely employees in institutions, external, namely public service recipients and experts.

"By participating in this Integrity Assessment Survey, it means that it has helped the government to create a corruption prevention map so that the government can swiftly improve its governance," he said.

To note, on the same day, the 2022 Integrity Assessment Survey (SPI) and the 2021 SPI Results Presentation were carried out from the Monitoring Directorate team of the Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring of the KPK in the Papua Kominfo hall.