Due To An Electric Short Circuit, Three Houses In Pondok Kelapa, East Jakarta Caught Fire

JAKARTA - A total of three houses in residential areas on Jalan Bina Karya, RT 10/03, Pondok Kelapa Village, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta were burnt down on Thursday, August 25, noon. It is known that the fire was caused by an electrical short circuit.

The fire was successfully extinguished an hour later with the deployment of 9 units of the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. of fire engines.

"10 units of fire engines with 50 personnel were deployed to extinguish the fire," said Head of East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. Gatot Sulaeman, Thursday, August 25.

There were no casualties or injuries in that incident. The loss is estimated at hundreds of millions of rupiah.

"The house belonging to Mrs. Marpaung that caught fire with an area of 50 meters. Losses reached Rp. 150 million. The fire was caused by an electric short circuit," he said.

The first fire was noticed by the owner of the house. The fire came from the top center of the house.

"The fire was extinguished," he said.