Troubled Cooperative Law Enforcement After PKPU Becomes A Top Priority

JAKARTA - Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki stated that law enforcement against problematic cooperatives after the Debt Payment Obligation Suspension (PKPU) or homologation process became a top priority.

"For the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, there is a very urgent need because many problematic cooperatives have gone through PKPU or homologation, but the implementation of the decisions has not gone well, so that the settlement of the obligation to pay member deposits is protracted," said Teten as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, 25 August.

Currently, the Troubled Cooperative Task Force is dealing with eight problematic cooperatives that have failed to pay their members.

The eight cooperatives are the Intidana Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP), Indosurya Cipta KSP, KSP Sejahtera Bersama, East Pratama KSP, Pracico Inti Sejahtera KSP, Pracico Inti Utama Sharia Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSPPS), Five Garuda KSP, and the Services Cooperative. Sentosa Blessing Vehicle.

Of the eight problematic cooperatives, the founders and administrators of three KSPs are in criminal proceedings, namely KSP Indosurya, KSP Timur Pratama Indonesia, and KSP Sejahtera Bersama.

To that end, Teten asked the management of the three cooperatives to fulfill the payment stage obligations according to the homologation scheme established by the court.

In the prosecution stage, the Coordinating Minister hopes that the prosecutor can request that the asset evidence can be returned to the cooperative members and not be handed over to the state as was the case with First Travel when evidence worth Rp1 trillion was decided to be handed over to the state.

"The money managed by the suspect/defendant as the management of the cooperative is basically money belonging to members of the cooperative which is not the proceeds of crime, so the assets confiscated as evidence must be fought for to be returned to members of the cooperative with good intentions," he said.

Law enforcers are asked to consider that not all cooperative assets are confiscated, but they need to be sorted out carefully so that assets that are not related to alleged criminal acts can be used to return funds from cooperative members' deposits (asset based resolution).

"We also propose that in the process of selling the problematic KSP assets, the Task Force can be accompanied by the Junior Attorney General's Team for Civil and State Administration (Jamdatun)," said Teten.

Attorney General ST Burhanuddin stated that the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs could submit an application to the Deputy Attorney General for Civil and State Administration to request a Legal Opinion on the actions that need to be taken by the Coordinating Ministry for Cooperatives and the Task Force in handling problematic cooperatives.