Kompolnas Visits Police Headquarters To Directly Monitor Ferdy Sambo's Ethics Trial

JAKARTA - The ethics session or the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) which was carried out by Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was directly monitored by the National Police Commission (Kompolnas).

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said that Kompolnas was involved in this ethics trial in order to maintain accountability, honesty and transparency.

"Kompolnas to maintain transparency then the team to work independently and accountably," said Dedi to reporters Thursday, August 25 morning.

Dedi said that the National Police also ensured that Kompolnas could witness the ethics trial against Ferdy Sambo until the verdict was handed down so that he could conclude the trial process himself. "The team gave Kompolnas an opportunity to witness the proceedings of this trial, and also so that Kompolnas could really assess how this ethical trial was going," said Dedi.

The permit for Kompolnas to directly monitor the trial is in accordance with the commitment of the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, regarding the handling of the case of Brigadier J's death since Ferdy Sambo was named a suspect and it was finally decided that he had to undergo a Police ethics trial.

"What we can do is according to the order of the Chief of Police," he said.

The ethics trial is already underway. Ferdy Sambo was already present in the ethics courtroom which took place at the Transnational Crime Center (TNCC) Building, behind the Police Public Relations Building, Floor 1, Thursday, August 25.