In Tulang Bawang, Mrs. Participates In Planting Cassava With Farmers: It Looks Easy, It's Not

JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, inspects cassava farmland in Tulang Bawang Regency, Lampung Province. Puan participated in planting cassava with 30 farmers from Ujung Gunung Udik Village, Menggala District.
When planting cassava, Wednesday, August 24, Puan was flanked by farmers named Niluh and Adi. Both of them taught Puan how to plant cassava.
"Planting cassava is not easy, isn't it. It looks easy. But you have to look at the stem of the seedling, there are no eyes," said Puan as in her written statement.
The cassava that Puan grows is the lifeboat variety, the type of cassava for industry. The cassava will be ready for harvest in 7 months to be processed at the tapioca flour factory.
In addition to planting cassava with farmers, Puan came to hear their problems, especially cassava farmers. Agriculture is the biggest contributor to the economy in Tulang Bawang.
"Our problem is with fertilizer. The subsidy has been removed. Now we use organic fertilizer, namely goat manure. We need a goat manure crusher because there are those who sell goat manure but Rp. 30 per kg," said farmer Adi.
According to Adi, residents also prefer to use subsidized fertilizers because cassava yields are bigger and grow faster. Farmers also complained about the low selling price of cassava.
Hearing the residents' complaints, Puan asked the Agriculture Commission from the Sub-Department and the local Director General of Food Crops to join the dialogue. The Sub-Department stated that the issue of subsidized fertilizers is under discussion and has reached an agreement that the regulation on subsidized fertilizers for cassava farmers will be reissued.
"When is the target?" asked Mrs.
"September, Mrs. Chairman," replied the Inspector General.
"Okay, I'll take care of it," said Puan.
Hundreds of cassava farmers who were present at the location then applauded when they heard the news that fertilizer subsidies would be held again.
"This is the solution we have been waiting for. Mbak Puan has come with a solution," said Adi.
Puan also advised farmers to work together and not be hostile to each other.
"This is a mix of Java, Palembang, Batak, Bali. Do not let the question of land and others do not be hostile. Here like a big family, I am happy. I feel like in Indonesia. So please take care of Indonesia,” explained the first woman who became the Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives.
“Agriculture is the life and death of a nation. As Chair of the DPR RI, I will fight for the aspirations of all of you in the DPR RI so that they are fought for in the relevant commissions," added Puan.
According to the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, the DPR is very concerned about the welfare of farmers. Puan said that if agriculture is advanced, it means that the farmers also prosper.
“Indonesia needs the regeneration of farmers. Young people should not refuse to become farmers," he said.
After planting cassava, Puan visited the Fishery Cultivation Field at the Graha Adora Building, Kec. Rajabasa, Pesawaran Regency. At the same time, he also provides fresh fish assistance to cultivators.
The dialogue with the cultivators at this location was also colored by support for Puan. Many people present expressed their support for Puan to become president.
"Miss president, Miss president," shouted residents.
A resident named Cipto also expressed his hope in the dialogue session.
"I want a strong and competent leader so that Indonesia can recover quickly," said Cipto.
The Regent of Pesawaran Dendi Ramadhona, who was the moderator of the dialogue, also asked Cipto a question.
“What do you mean by a leader like who? Do you meet the criteria, Ms. Puan?” he asked.
"Yes, I want Mbak Puan to lead Indonesia," Cipto replied.