Golkar Politician To The National Police Chief: August 17 Mr. Smiling And Jogeting But It Seems Empty

JAKARTA - The expression of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo while dancing to the song "Ojo Dibandingke" sung by Farel Prayoga at the Palace on August 17 went viral. And that moment was also asked during the Commission III RDP with the National Police Headquarters.

Golkar politician Adde Rosi Khoerunnisa admitted that she also watched the video. Adde said he saw General Sigit dancing to the song.

"Although you are smiling, but I can see the emptiness, I can see the pressure on your face," said Adde, Wednesday, August 24.

The remarks were greeted with laughter by the National Police Chief and Irwasum Police Headquarters Komjen Agung Budi Maryoto.

"Mr. Chief of Police, sir, you dance, smile, but it seems empty, sir," he continued.

"But today seems to be able to smile a little wider," he continued again.

"But I see now, hopefully this is a good positive thing and therefore, I am a member of Commission III, I support what you are doing," Adde continued.