Noise Again, Trade Minister 'Accuses' Social Assistance Program Social Minister Risma Participates In Cause Of Rising Chicken Egg Prices

JAKARTA - Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan said that early rejection or efforts to reduce broodstock production by breeders to social assistance programs that affect stock at traders are the causes of rising egg prices.

Based on monitoring from the official website of the Ministry of Trade, it was recorded that as of August 24, 2022, the price of broiler eggs at the retail level reached Rp. 31,000 per kilogram, an increase of about 2.9 percent compared to the previous week and an increase of about 6.1 percent compared to the previous month.

"The Ministry of Social Affairs happens to be implementing the program for three months at a time. Another egg is bought. So one early rejection, the two Ministry of Social Affairs assistance for three months. The assistance for eggs is a lot, so (the price) goes up," said Trade Minister Zulkifli as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 24.

Zulkifli explained that the early rejection was carried out because previously the price of eggs had fallen to Rp. 25,000 to Rp. 26,000 per kilogram.

Because the price was too low, farmers decided to do an early rejection by cutting the laying hens in order to reduce the production of brooders so that they do not lay eggs and become chicken seeds.

At the same time, the Trade Minister assessed that the large-scale distribution of eggs for social assistance programs (bansos) has caused the demand for chicken eggs to increase in the market and have an impact on price increases.

Therefore, the Ministry of Trade will immediately hold a meeting with business actors at the level of "day old chicken" (DOC) laying farms.

"Hopefully, in the next three weeks to a month, it will start to fall again but at a reasonable price. Consumers don't buy heavily but the farmers don't lose out," said the Trade Minister.

According to Zulhas, ideally the price of eggs is in the range of Rp. 28,000 to Rp. 29,000 per kilogram.

Currently, the lowest average price of purebred chicken eggs occurs in Jambi at Rp. 26,000 per kilogram, the highest price occurs in Papua at Rp. 42,000 per kilogram, while in DKI Jakarta it reaches Rp. 30,700 per kilogram.

Social Minister Risma Denies Trade Minister Zulhas

Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini clarified the effect of regular social assistance distribution in the Non-Cash Food Assistance Program or Basic Food Cards on the increase in egg prices.

Risma said the Ministry of Social Affairs distributed Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) worth Rp. 200,000 per month per family in cash, not eggs.

"What is clear is that I don't help with eggs, because it's impossible. How do you do it for millions of people, we'll split it up there. We'll help out with money," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 24.

Beneficiary families, continued Risma, can use the funds to buy basic foodstuffs, including buying eggs.

"We don't have to prepare (eggs). How do you do it for a million people... Put one person only one kilo, 10 million kilos. What about 18 million people?" he said.