BPH Migas Assessed Lack Of Network, Members Of Commission VII Ask The Government To Form A Fuel Distribution Task Force

JAKARTA - Member of Commission VII DPR RI, the Golkar faction, Muchtarudin, proposed the government to form a task force or task force to oversee the distribution of subsidized fuel oil (BBM) whose quota was judged not to last until the end of the year.

Just so you know, based on data from PT Pertamina (Persero) Pertalite consumption has reached 16.8 million kilo liters or equivalent to 73.04 percent of the total quota set at 23 million kilo liters. This high consumption figure makes Pertalite's quota remaining only 6.2 million kilo liters.

"If it is necessary, a task force should be formed, Mr. Minister, to supervise the distribution of this fuel. We do not have a task force because it has been delegated to BPH Migas," he said in a working meeting with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Wednesday, August 24.

Muchtarudin assessed that the supervisory duties that had been carried out by BPH Migas were not sufficient due to network limitations. Meanwhile, the agencies that were given the task of supervising were also deemed not to have carried out their duties.

"Therefore, I think if it is possible we will form a task force for the distribution of fuel. Of course the government can convey it," he continued.

Muchtarudin added that the government must also immediately limit the purchase of subsidized fuel because apart from the increasingly limited quota, the majority of subsidized fuels are still enjoyed by the wealthy. In fact, in fact subsidized fuel is only intended for the lower middle class.

Based on the data in his pocket, Muchtarudin said that up to now, 40 percent of the poor and vulnerable people only consume 20 percent of fuel, but the top 60 percent consume 80 percent of subsidized fuel.

"With the remaining quota, what needs to be accelerated is law enforcement and distribution control which I see is still breaking down everywhere," he concluded.

For information, the Government is currently working on a revision to Presidential Regulation No. 191 of 2014 concerning the Supply, Distribution and Retail Selling Price of Fuel Oil (BBM), which regulates restrictions on recipients of subsidized fuel oil and assignments.

Through the revision of the Presidential Regulation, the government hopes that subsidized diesel fuel and pertalite will be more targeted.