Sukodono Sidoarjo Police Chief And 4 Members Arrested For Using Drugs, Threatened With Disrespectful Dismissal
SURABAYA - A total of five members of the Sukodono Sector Police in Sidoarjo were arrested by the Profession and Security Division (Propam) of the East Java Police. The five people arrested included the Chief of the Sukodono Police, AKP I Ketut Agus Wardana.
This was conveyed by the Sidoarjo Police Chief, Kombes Kusumo Wahyu Bintoro. This statement is different from what was conveyed by the Head of Public Relations of the East Java Police, Kombes Dirmanto, who previously mentioned that there were only three police officers.
"A total of five members were arrested, including the police chief," said Kusumo, confirmed on Wednesday, August 24.
Kombes Kusumo emphasized that the five police officers were arrested by the East Java Regional Police Propam in a room at the Sukodono Police Headquarters. Several items of evidence were also secured, such as matches, plastic shabu wrap, suction devices and bottles.
Currently, the five police officers are still undergoing examination at the East Java Regional Police Propam. As a result of their actions, they are also threatened with Disrespectful Dismissal (PDTH).
"According to the leadership's direction, the heaviest sanction is PDTH," he said.
Because of this incident, continued Kusumo, all police officers in Sidoarjo will be followed up with a urine test. The results will be given to Propam.
"Starting from me, later everything will be the same as a urine test. We do not indiscriminately, we are firm with this drug. This is the attention of the leadership, we will follow up," he said.
As previously reported, Sukodono Sidoarjo Police Chief, AKP I Ketut Agus Wardana was arrested by members of the Profession and Security Division (Propam) of the East Java Police at 01.10 WIB, Tuesday, August 23. The police chief and four other police officers were arrested for using methamphetamine in a room at the Sukodono Police Headquarters.