Ganjar Pranowo Wants Santri To Be Independent Through Entrepreneur Program

JAKARTA - The Governor of Central Java (Central Java) Ganjar Pranowo visited the Nurul Huda Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) in Langgongsari, Cilongok, Banyumas. He supports the entrepreneurial program undertaken by the students at Islamic boarding school.
Ganjar explained that the Nurul Huda Islamic Boarding School students are trying to achieve economic independence through the program. For example, making food stalls, barbershops, and producing processed commodities.
"In this cottage, we are not only taught the Koran, but also entrepreneurs are taught. And the entrepreneurs are also various, there are restaurants, barbershops, then stalls, they produce coffee, honey, it's extraordinary," said Ganjar, Tuesday, August 23.
Ganjar also admires the spirit of the students who strive to achieve economic independence. Ganjar said the students at Nurul Huda Islamic Boarding School were great in terms of knowledge and skills.
"I see the enthusiasm of the children is great and they have a really good teaching industry. The cottage is here, the Koran is here, but the learning of entrepreneurship is all on its own. That's great," he said.
Furthermore, Ganjar said the entrepreneurial program is a way to build the spirit of students as children of the nation. Ganjar hopes that someday the students will have independence and have a bright future.
"Anyway, this is part of how to build spirit with the nation's children so that they will later become independent and have a future," he added.
Nurul Huda Islamic boarding school caretaker, Ajir Ubaidillah said, the program was carried out with a shared will and effort. KH Ajir hopes that the Nurul Huda Islamic Boarding School will continue to grow.
"This is then the function of this independence, we have a business unit and so on. The rest, Alhamdulillah, there is support from outside. Please always pray, we still have a lot of homework," he said.