Attorney General Explains Steps To Return State Loss Assets

JAKARTA - Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin explained the prosecutor's efforts in optimizing efforts to recover state assets lost in corruption cases handled by the agency.
"At the investigation stage, the asset tracking and evidence management team takes an inventory and looks for items suspected of being the proceeds of a criminal act," said Burhanuddin at the Commission III DPR's Hearing Meeting (RDP) at the DPR building, Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 23.
He said this was related to a question by members of Commission III of the House of Representatives regarding their institutional steps in optimizing the return of state assets in corruption cases.
At the investigation stage, said Burhanuddin, the investigating prosecutor identified and found property related to the results of criminal acts committed through confiscation and investigation.
"At the stage of execution or implementation of court decisions, the evidence seized for the state will immediately be auctioned off," he said.
If the convict does not pay the replacement money no later than a month after the decision is final and binding, he said, the confiscation prosecutor will execute the convict's property to cover the proceeds of the replacement money.
He said his party was also implementing an integrated and realized asset recovery system with officials from internal and external prosecutors.