Fishing Boat Shooting In PNG Waters Estimated At Close Range

JAYAPURA - Commander of the TNI AL XI Merauke Main Base Brigadier General TNI (Mar) Gatot Mardiono suspects that the shooting by the Papua New Guinea (PNG) security forces on the Merauke fishing boat that killed the captain of the Sugeng ship, was carried out at close range.

It is suspected that the victim was shot in the head and died on the spot. Meanwhile, shooting from a motorboat is called difficult because of the waves.

In addition, according to Gatot, PNG security forces should not shoot directly at a deadly target because there are procedures.

Gatot explained that the ship should have been shot from and left of the ship and the last shot was the engine room, while the crew were non-lethal targets.

Indeed, from reports received by the Merauke fishing boat, it has entered deep into PNG waters to catch white snapper, which has been illegally harvested for its bubbles.

"The arrests can be made without any casualties, because there are procedures," said Brigadier General Gatot as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 23.

From the reports received, there were two holes found in the ship's bridge which were suspected to have been shot and the holes were suspected to have killed Sugeng.

The incident that happened to the fishing boat was known from the radio of the ship leaning on Torasi, so the crew immediately reported it to the TNI-AL Post that was there.

KMN Calvin 02 arrived at the Nusantara Fisheries Pier at around 08.30 WIT with nine crew members including the bodies of the shooting victims, said Brigadier General Gatot.

Brigadier General Gatot said from reports received when the shooting incident occurred, two fishing boats had been arrested by PNG security forces.

Meanwhile, after being shot, KMN Calvin O2 returned and arrived in Merauke.

The eight crew members of KMN Calvin 02 who survived are Damni (35), Moni Ovier (31), Eki Budi Priyadi (19), Ilham Maula (20), Hamdan Moni (20), Arief Hidayat (22), Nathanel Soin (22), and Oki Budi Setiawan (22).