Manneripulates Ancient Javanese Falsafah And Semar Messages, To Live A Tentram

YOGYAKARTA - The Javanese people are known to have very rich cultural and historical values. Javanese culture is also famous for giving birth to a high civilization. These cultures are still maintained and carried out today. One of the most widely practiced is the ancient Javanese philosophy.

This ancient Javanese Falsafah is used as a guide for the Javanese people in living life. The Javanese Falsafah has a very deep meaning if interpreted, and is as advice or teachings to live a better and wiser life.

Having a philosophy of Java is not easy. Only people who are wise, have awareness, and have high intentions can live it. But every philosophy that is lived will give us extraordinary strength in our lives.

What are the ancient Javanese philosophy that has a deep meaning for life?

"Falling Hayuning Bawono, Ambrasto sur Hangkoro' Falsafah means: in living life, humans must try to bring safety, peace as well as try to eradicate no crime and injustice.

This philosophy teaches us to be individuals who benefit the surrounding environment. In addition, we must also be firm and dare to fight evil acts. A leader must be fair and properly protect his people.

"Ngluuk Tanpo Bolo, Wins Tanpo Ngasukane, Secretary of Tanpo Aji-Aji, Sugih Without Bondho" This saying means: fighting without bringing soldiers/masa, winning without having to demean and embarrass the opponent, being magical and authoritative without having to rely on strength, and getting rich without having to capital on wealth.

This philosophy gives a teaching that is just and rich in meaning. We must act and act wisely when we are in any position. We must be able to control ourselves when holding high or powerful positions. We must also control ourselves when we have wealth. True splendor lies in attitude and morals.

"Ojo Kuminter Mundak Keliber, Ojo Cidra Mundak Cilaka' Falsafah has a meaning: don't feel smarter not to fall into it, and don't cheat so you don't get into danger.

From this philosophy we can learn about being in life. As social beings, we must be able to put ourselves in every condition. If we have a lot of insight or intelligence, we should not use it to be arrogant. We must be aware that there are still many others who have more intelligence.

Alon Waton Majan' Falsafah means: slowly as long as it can be achieved. This Falsafah has a more in-depth meaning than that. This Falsafah teaches us to always respect every process in carrying out something. So the word'slow' does not mean slow, but respects every process.

Datan Serik Lamun Ketaman, Datanlit Lamun Kelangan. Falsafah ini memiliki arti: jangan mudah hati saat mendapatkan kencana/bencana, dan jangan gampang sad atau kesadaran saat kehilangan sesuatu.

Aja Gumunan, Aja Getunan, Aja Kagettan, Aja Aleman' Falsafah have the meaning: don't be easily amazed or amazed, don't be easily sorry or disappointed, don't be easily surprised and spoiled. These four attitudes are important when we are studying or struggling in life.

Witing Tresno jalanan soro kulino. Witing mulyo jalanran wani rekoso' Falsafah has a meaning: love can arise because you are used to it, while glory comes because you dare to struggle/work hard.

It was the ancient Java philosophy that needed to be practiced in order to be able to live a wiser and better life. The teachings in the Javanese philosophy are universal ancestral teachings. Their use is still relevant today until the future.