Targeting Indonesia To Be A Digital Economy Player In 2030, BUMN Holds Startup Day 2022 Encourages Young Generation To Create New Jobs

JAKARTA - SOE Minister Erick Thohir said that BUMN Startup Day 2022 is to encourage young Indonesian creators to become new job creators.

"We make BUMN Startup Day for nothing, but we must encourage how BUMN can collaborate with the private sector and also most importantly support the creators of the young generation of Indonesia, the creators of new jobs in the future as part of the ecosystem," said Erick Thohir at the launch. BUMN Startup Day 2022 quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 23. Erick added, this is in the context of 2030 so that Indonesia becomes a player in the digital economy.

"This is why we SOEs encourage not only digital transformation in SOEs, but also encourage five SOE venture capital companies to become part of this ecosystem," he said.

The Minister of SOEs said that when the Ministry of SOEs previously launched the Merah Putih Fund, there was a philosophy of nationalism that was built. However, Erick Thohir emphasized that it does not mean that his party is anti-foreign.

"Why is the Merah Putih Fund present? To intervene so that Indonesian founders in startups can continue to increase in the globalization competition," he said.

The BUMN hopes that the startup founders who are Indonesians will remain loyal to the Merah Putih Fund, the company operating in Indonesia.

It is hoped that Indonesia will not only become a market because startups founded by Indonesians do not create jobs or become the foundation of a new economy going forward.

It is hoped that the startup founded by Indonesians will also be able to go public on the Indonesian stock exchange. "This is an ecosystem that we want to build together," said Erick Thohir.

BUMN Startup Day 2022 will be held at the Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan on 27-28 September 2022.

This activity is divided into two major segments, namely education and business opportunities. This two-day event is intended for startups that have entered the early and growth phases because in this phase startups need support, not only investment, but also managerial ability to maintain the momentum created from previous growth phases.