Asks For Brigadier J's Murder Case To Be Completed In October 2022, Commission III Of The DPR: Next Year's Police Task Is Heavy, Preparation For Legislative And Presidential Elections In 2024

JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the House of Representatives Trimedya Panjaitan hopes that the completion of the case of the death of Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat or Brigadier J at Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's halfway house in October 2022.
This was conveyed by the PDI-P (PDIP) politician during a public hearing meeting (RDPU) of Commission III of the DPR together with the Head of Kompolnas and Menkopolhukam Mahfud MD regarding the case of the premeditated murder of Brigadier J.
In the meeting, Trimedya first invited Mahfud MD to fix the Police in the aftermath of the case of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo. According to him, there needs to be reforms within the police.
Trimedya provides a basic example. One of the things he mentioned was the lifestyle of members of the Police family. He said there was a wife of the police chief who looked classy on social media.
"So people think that the police are the richest, lose to the DPR members, sir," said Trimedya during the RDPU at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, taken from the DPR RI YouTube live broadcast, Monday, August 22.
Trimedya then highlighted the rules in the National Police Propam. He asked Mahfud MD and members of Commission III of the DPR to work together to evaluate the main tasks and functions of the Propam.
"This Propam is an investigator, he's an investigator, he's a prosecutor, he's a judge. Everyone is furious with the current Propam. I heard about the one who designed Mr. Sambo. How about for my position, I'm the one who makes full power, please. What about the full power, sir?" continued him.
Not long ago, Mahfud MD revealed that Ferdy Sambo has a large group like a kingdom in power in the Police. Therefore, the investigation into the case of Brigadier J's death was slow. Trimedya said that should not happen again.
"Please also give reinforcement to the National Police Chief, so that he is tough, so he can be himself. He does not hesitate to take action from the bottom to the top, and it continues to be done consistently," said Trimedya.
If that is done, Trimedya is sure that the murder case of Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat or Brigadier J will be clear quickly. He also hopes that the Police will be able to resolve this case by October 2022.
"So that the Police, in my view, Mr. Mahfud. The 10th month is over," said Trimedya.
According to Trimedya, the National Police must also begin to prepare themselves to discuss what is needed so that the five-year democratic party in its implementation in 2024 runs safely and orderly.
"Because next year the task of the National Police is heavy, preparing for the legislative and presidential elections. In 10 months, complete this, and complete [Polri] reforms, including the results of Pak Sambo's analyzes at Headquarters, including those that are not red and white with the National Police Chief," he said.