You Can Sympathize With Brigadier J, But Stop Bullying Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's Children

JAKARTA - A husband and wife couple, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo and Putri Candrawathi have been named suspects in the murder of Brigadier J at their official residence, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta on July 8.

Ferdy Sambo was named a suspect on August 9, 2022. Then, based on the facts of the investigation through the statements of witnesses and some evidence, the special team of the National Police also named Putri Candrawathi as a suspect on August 19, 2022.

Putri Candrawathi's role in the case, according to the Head of the Criminal Investigation Department, Komjen Agus Andrianto, was to invite three other suspects, namely Brigadier RR, Bharada E, and Kuwat Maruf, to gather first, as directed by Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

“(PC) was on the 3rd floor when Ricky and Richard were asked if they could shoot the late Joshua. Invited to go to Duren Tiga with RE, RR, KM, the late Joshua. Following the scenario built by FS. Putri and her husband also promised the three of them money," said Komjen Agus on Saturday (20/8).

Inspector General Ferdy Sambo and his wife, Putri Candrawati, who have been named as suspects in the murder of Brigadier J. (Special)

However, the police have not arrested Putri because she is sick.

"During the final investigation process, Putri had reported being sick, there was a doctor's letter. Asked to rest for 7 days, "said Irwasum Polri Komjen Agung Budi Maryoto, Friday (19/8).

Sambo and Putri were charged with Article 340 subsidiary Article 338 in conjunction with Article 55 and Article 56 of the Criminal Code, which carries a maximum penalty of death and a minimum of 20 years in prison.

Threatened Child

The determination of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo and Putri Candrawati as suspects turned out to have a psychological impact on the family. Their two children who are still in school have been persecuted by netizens.

In fact, family photos, including their children, are increasingly circulating on social media. Some are equipped with the name and identity of the school name.

Commissioner of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), Retno Listyarti, asked the public to stop bullying and stigmatizing Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's children. Children are innocent and should be protected from various forms of violence, whether verbal, physical, psychological or cyber.

Children are indeed vulnerable to being stigmatized or labeled by their parents' actions. They are clearly innocent and not responsible for the actions of their parents.

“For anyone who didn't bully the Sambo kids, they are innocent and most likely never found out about the murder plots of their parents. So, it is very unfair if they become the target of bullying under the pretext of social sanctions, "said Retno in a written statement to VOI, Sunday (21/8).

KPAI commissioner, Retno Listyarti, called for an end to the bullying of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's children. (Between)

The situation these children face is already difficult. Moreover, knowing that his parents are facing a legal process with high demands for punishment. Not being bullied by netizens or their friends, they are already very psychologically depressed.

"Don't add to the burden with bullying. STOP Bullying against Ferdy Sambo's children," he said.

For this reason, special protection is needed for children through rapid treatment efforts, including physical, psychological, and social treatment and/or rehabilitation. And, prevention of diseases and other health problems as guaranteed in the Child Protection Law and its derivative regulations, namely PP No.78 of 2021 concerning Special Protection for Children.

“Fulfillment of these rights is the responsibility of the regional government and the central government through service centers or institutions. Ferdy Sambo's children are also entitled to special protection," he said.

Regarding the finding that bullying has occurred in schools, KPAI will seek the truth.

"If it's true, KPAI will of course coordinate with the school and the Education Office to find a solution, in the best interests of the child," added Retno.

Because, if not treated immediately, the impact of bullying on children is extraordinary. In the early stages, children experience stress, then depression can continue. Children become insecure, become physically ill due to their psyche, academic achievement drops, and the worst impact can be suicide.

Sympathetic Action for Brigadier J

Community support for the late Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat (Brigadir J) continues to flow.

At Tugu Juang, Jambi City, dozens of students who are members of Cipayung Jambi made the moment of independence day on August 17, 2022 by holding a sympathy action by lighting seven hundred and seventy candles.

The hope is that the National Police Chief will immediately resolve the case of Brigadier J's murder professionally. So that it can restore the image of the Police as protectors, protectors, and public servants

"Encouraging all parties, especially the Indonesian National Police Chief, who we respect, to conduct an examination of all individuals, both from certain agencies and as appropriate, what is the rule of law in this country," said the coordinator of the action, Hengky Tornando, as reported by, Wednesday (17/17). /8).

In Jakarta, a number of residents held an action to light 4,000 candles to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Brigadier J's death at Taman Ismail Marzuki, Thursday (18/8) night. In addition to lighting candles, a number of residents were seen carrying posters that read "Justice for Joshua" and prayers for Brigadier J.

The residents who attended came from the Greater Jakarta Hutabarat Association, the United Batak Youth, the Justice Struggle Movement, and the Justice Forum. Lawyers for Brigadier J's family, Kamarudin Simanjuntak, constitutional law expert Refly Harun, and activist Irma Hutabarat were also present and gave their opinions regarding the case of Brigadier J's murder.

"Thank you for being invited to this event. I took the time to come here. I was supposed to stay in Jambi tonight, but Ito Irma said there would be 4,000 candles lighting to remember the tragedy that befell our bere (nephew), the late Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat, who was murdered in a cruel, premeditated manner," said Kamarudin.

Action of 1,000 candles held at Taman Ismail Marzuki, Central Jakarta to commemorate Brigadier J on August 8, 2022. (Antara/Reno Esnir)

When the event was in progress, hundreds of roses appeared. After the event was over, a number of flower arrangement boards appeared, almost all of them bearing the support and appreciation for the performance of the National Police Chief from various communities in Indonesia.

Dendi Budiman, the coordinator of the action and the chairman of the Justice Struggle Movement, did not know who the sender was.

“This is out of scenario. I also don't know what that means. We suspect that there are parties who ride our event as a big proposal to the ruling elite or anyone else. But what is certain is that today we held a 4,000 candlelight action for Joshua, really purely from the people's movement that wants justice for Joshua and for all the people of Indonesia," he said as in the video on the @gerakkeadilan account, Saturday (20/8).

There should be no more citizens, one life of the nation's children that is lost just because of power relations. Dandi said his party encouraged the National Police Chief to examine all the people involved, including the Metro Jaya Police Chief.

"If the National Police Chief is unable and afraid and does not dare, it is better for the National Police Chief to resign or Mr. Jokowi to remove the National Police Chief," said Dendi.