PPP: KIB Has Already Discussed The Figure Of The Presidential Candidate, But Be Patient With The Announcement Later

JAKARTA - The chairman of the PPP DPP, Achmad Baidowi, said that the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) has begun to discuss the names of the figures that will be promoted as presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential election. KIB is also open to figures who approach the coalition formed by Golkar, PAN and PPP. that.

Even so, Baidowi asked to be patient because it was not yet time for KIB to announce. For KIB, the most important thing is to build a common bond between Golkar, PAN and PPP. We do not deny that, and we are open to anyone who approaches KIB, yes they are welcome. But of course, you have to be patient because of the announcement later, and the important thing is that we build chemistry, through chemistry that is built closer and closer and is not disturbed by KIB's externals,” said Baidowi in the discussion 'Measuring the Ideas and Visions of the 2024 Presidential Candidates', Saturday, August 20.

Awiek, as he is known, emphasized that his party has started an inventory of the advantages and disadvantages between candidate A, and whether these shortcomings can be covered by candidate B. But what is clear, according to him, the candidates can be internal or external KIB. , we identify and take inventory according to the advantages and disadvantages. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Person A, for example, must be patched with Person B, for example. We are exploring that," he said. Awiek said that KIB is currently formulating the big vision and mission of the names of the candidates being discussed.

“Often we get stuck on who to carry, step by step, only after the declaration did we meet again in Surabaya to convey the big vision of KIB, for Indonesia in the future. Each of the ketum conveys a big vision for the future of the Indonesian nation," he explained.

He also said the names were only discussed internally. For example, the head of the PPP, Suharso Monoarfa, said that Indonesia must end identity politics.

According to Awiek, political identity is necessary but identity politics must be avoided or minimized so as not to lead to divisions. In the near future, he said, KIB will hold a meeting with the PPP host.

"The next stage, because yesterday we hosted PAN (Surabaya), then the next meeting the PPP quota," he said.